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Published January 6, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Delphi, Indiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

For the furnishing and delivering of materials, supplies and services for the maintenance, construction and reconstruction of county roads, culverts, and bridges during the calendar year of 2022, using Motor Vehicle Highway, Local Road and Street, EDIT, Wheel Tax, and Cumulative Bridge Funds. All bids shall be made in duplicate copies. All bids are to be made and contained separately in plainly marked envelopes showing the item number contained therein. All bids shall be on forms prescribed by the State Board of Accounts and are to be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashiers Check, or Surety Bond as required by law in the sum of not less than 10% of the total bid. Bid security may be combined to cover all bids submitted by one bidder; however it must be contained with the lower numbered item. Bidders are requested to use Form 12, Contractor's Bond for Supplies, wherever applicable. Bidders for the supply of petroleum based products shall bid both a fixed unit price and a unit price subject to increase or decrease (floating unit price). Please note that bidding a fixed and floating price is mandatory. The fixed unit price shall not be subject to change. The floating unit price for petroleum based materials must include documentation from the bidder's source of supply to establish a base cost of supply. The successful bidder or bidders shall submit current cost of supply documentation monthly to the appropriate County Department. The unit price payable shall be adjusted for any increase or decrease in such cost. Carroll County reserves the right to cancel the contract of any bidder whose monthly cost of supply documentation is inadequate in the judgment of Carroll County to properly justify an increase in the unit price. Carroll County also reserves the right to cancel the contract of any bidder whose source of supply changes at any time after the contract is awarded. On all items which specify a quantity, the bid shall contain a unit price which additional quantities may be purchased if the actual requirements exceed the estimated quantities requested. Bids are requested for the following Items: 1. 45,000 cu yards or less screened or processed gravel in measurable lots. 2. 65,000 tons or less graded stone or gravel 3. Ice/Fill Sand/Ton 4. Washed 23/24 sand/Ton 5. 12 Pea Gravel/Ton 6. #53 Stone/Ton 7. #73 Stone/Ton 8. #2 Stone/Ton 9. #4 Stone/Ton 10. #5 Stone/Ton 11. #8 Stone/Ton 12. #9 Stone/Ton 13. #11 Stone/Ton 14. #12 Stone/Ton 15. #13 Stone/Ton 16. RipRap/Ton 17. Screenings/Ton 18. 20,000 gallons or less of 87 Octane unleaded gasoline FOB County Highway Garage and Sheriff Dept. /Gal 19. 100,000 gallons or less of premium diesel fuel Cetane 53 FOB County Highway Garage /Gal 20. 17,000 gallons or less of off-road diesel Cetane 53 FOB County Highway Garage/Gal All diesel fuels will be blended 60- 40 from November 1st to April 1st The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in bidding.


Bridges / Tunnels

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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