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Site work for a water / sewer project in Midlothian, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Estimate: $5,000,000 and $9,000,000. The deadline to ask questions is 12/08/2021 5:00 PM CST The Ellis-Prairie Soil and Water Conservation District (EPSWCD), Waxahachie, Texas is requesting sealed bids from qualified, responsible bidders for UPGRADES to Floodwater Retarding Structure Site 7 at Chambers Creek Watershed in Ellis County, Texas. One award for all items will be made. Performance time is 546 calendar days (not including weather days). Estimated price range is between $5,000,000 and $9,000,000. Major items of work are: 15.5 AC Clearing and Grubbing; 4,100 LF Sediment Fence; 13.5 AC Permanent Vegetative Cover; 39,700 CY Common Excavation; 50 CY Rock Excavation; 6,200 CY Earthfill; 3,100 CY Fine Drainfill; 400 CY Coarse Drainfill; 18,200 SY Embankment Topsoil; 45,600 SY Topsoil; 34,600 CY Lime Treated Earthfill; 1,538 tons Furnishing and Handling Lime; 2,320 CY Class 4500 Concrete; 50 CY Class 3000 Concrete; 220 LF Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe; 750 LF Perforated Plastic Pipe; 800 LF Solid Plastic Pipe; 110 LF 4" Ductile Iron Pipe; 160 LF 6" Ductile Iron Pipe; 3,500 tons Rock Riprap, R-150; 3,400 tons Rock Riprap; R-300; 700 TON Rock Riprap, Bedding; 1,400 SY Treatment of Rock Surfaces; 50 CY Treatment of Rock Surfaces, Class 3000 Concrete; 510 LF Chain Link Fence; 4,600 LF Field Fence; 6,200 SY Geotextile and 1 Job/Lump Sum: Structure Removal; Pollution Control; Irrigation System; Construction Surveys; Mobilization and Demobilization; Removal of Water; Water Control Gate; Metal Work; Identification Plaques or Markers; Contractor Quality Control; Field Office; Conduit Abandonment. [AC: Acres; LF: Linear Feet; CY: Cubic Yards; SY: Square Yards] EPSWCD reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. A 5 percent bid guarantee is required. The successful bidder will be required to furnish performance and payment bonds. Invitation for Bid (IFB) documents will be available electronically beginning October 25, 2021. Complete IFB documents and a Plan Holders Registration Form / Terms & Conditions may be viewed and downloaded at no charge from the Ellis-Prairie Soil and Water Conservation District website: [../] and search for IFB No. EP-CHAM7-UG-ESF-540-21. Contact Alyssa Searcy, Contracting Officer at if you have problems downloading documents. No printed copies of the IFBs will be distributed to interested parties, but a printed copy is available for viewing at the EPSWCD office. Sealed bids will be received on December 7, 2021, at the EPSWCD office, 1822 FM 66, Waxahachie, Texas 75165 until 1:00 p.m. local time. Electronic, facsimile, and telegraphic bids will not be considered. A Pre-bid Conference and Site Showing will be held on November 9, 2021 beginning at 11:00 a.m. at the EPSWCD office.

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Water / Sewer


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3303 Plainview Rd, Midlothian, TX

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