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Published May 6, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a transportation facility in Grissom Air Force Base, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility; and for paving for a transportation facility.

Award Details Contract Award Date: May 04, 2022 Contract Award Number: W912QR22C0022 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: DMBVYW4WNZ21 Contractor Awarded Name: T & T CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES Contractor Awarded Address: Leitchfield, KY 42754-7630 USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $55309165.00 Grissom Air Reserve Base Runways Project This project is a renovation of approximate total mill and overlay is 3,290,000 square feet and approximate total full depth replacement is 471,000 square feet of PCC. The proposed project includes: Repair throats at Taxiway C to full depth. Conduct a repair of the north and south Taxiway C throats by removing all layers of pavement at full depth to subgrade and replace with Portland cement concrete (PCC). Repair Taxiway G sections. Remove the asphalt over Portland cement concrete (APC) at full depth to subgrade and replace with Portland cement concrete. Repair full length of Runway 12,501ft using mill and overlay and full depth PCC methods as designed. Variable Mill of surface and overlay with asphalt concrete (AC). Repair 1,200LF to full depth with PCC. Repair shoulders for the entire length of the runway (12,501ft) by variable milling of surface and overlaying with asphalt concrete. Repair the asphalt concrete paved overruns at the 23 and 05 ends of the runway by milling the surface and overlaying with asphalt concrete. Repair by replacement of airfield lighting circuits the (1) complete approach system for runway 05 (2) the threshold light bar at the end of runway 23 (3) feeder cables from home runs at both 23 and 05 ends (4) Taxiway G edge lighting (5) airfield guidance sign system. For questions, please contact Seth Finn at (317) 417-0844 in addition, please RSVP with Jared Perrott via email at Jared.D.Perrott@usace.army.mil Any contractor who wants to attend the window tour portion of the Industry Day shall be responsible for transportation to Grissom Air Reserve Base, IN following the Industry Day Presentation. Participants will meet at the Grissom Air Reserve Base Visitors Center at the intersection of Foreman Drive and North Hoosier Blvd. Approximate GPS: 40.66502, -86.14774. Allow about one hour prior to start time to gain base access; please arrive by 1:00 PM (Eastern). Visitors will be transported to the project site via bus. The construction magnitude for this project is anticipated to be between $25,000,000 and $100,000,000 Soliciation W912QR22R0020 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Louisville District intends to issue a solicitation for Repair (Replace) Airfield Lighting Circuits / Repair Taxiway G / Repair Overruns / Repair Runway and Shoulders / Repair Taxiway C. This project will be awarded as a Firm Fixed Price construction contract. This project is a Design/Bid/Build effort and the Design portion is already under contract with one of the LRL A/E IDIQ contractors. The project will utilize a single-phase procurement process and the basis of award will be the Best Value Trade-Off process. The technical information contained in the Offeror's proposal will be reviewed, evaluated, and rated by the Government. The proposal for this procurement, at a minimum, will consist of the following: Prime Contractor Past Performance, Technical (e.g. Management Plan, Schedule, etc.), Small Business Participation Plan, and Price. Pro Forma Information such as bonding and financial capability will also be required to meet the minimum requirements of the solicitation. In accordance with DFARS 236.204, the construction magnitude for this project is anticipated to be between $25,000,000 and $100,000,000. The North American Industrial Classification System Code (NAICS) for this project will be 237310. This will be an unrestricted (Full and Open) procurement. As such, the HUBZone price evaluation preference will be applicable. The contract duration is estimated at nine hundred forty nine (949) calendar days from Notice to Proceed. The point-of-contact for this procurement is Morgan Strong, at Morgan.K.Strong@usace.army.mil. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Transportation Terminals


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March 4, 2022

May 5, 2022


N Matador, Grissom Air Force Base, IN

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