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Site work and paving for a bridge / tunnel in Westport, Connecticut. Design plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

As of June 15, 2022, an engineer has been selected and this project is in the design phase. Although a firm timeline for construction has not been determined, construction is not expected to start prior to December 2022. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: The Town of Westport (the "Town") is seeking responses from qualified engineering firms, (the "Consultant"), to design, obtain all necessary permits, and perform construction inspection for replacement of the bridge on Hillandale Road at Muddy Brook, (the "Bridge"). The bridge has been on a list of structures needed to be improved since at least the late '60's. In 2018 a flash flood event caused the existing bridge to suffer a partial undermining due to scour under the west abutment. That event forced the Town to close the bridge and perform emergency repairs to stabilize the abutment and reopen the roadway. It was apparent then, and even more so now that the structure must be replaced. The new structure must be designed using AASHTO Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) or Load Factor Design (LFD) methods to at least HL-93 or HS-20 live loads, respectively. A Hydrological and Hydraulic Analysis must be performed, and the Bridge must be designed to pass a 100 year flood event. To this end the Town has several legacy studies of Muddy Brook, as well as a 2017 study that will be made available to the consultant as reference material. It is anticipated that substantial stream modifications and improvements will be necessary on private property both upstream and downstream of the bridge, to improve and enhance the hydraulic characteristics of the stream bed. The Consultant is expected to prepare the necessary temporary and permanent easement documents to facilitate these modifications. The Town will negotiate the easements with the private property owners. The Project will be structured in two phases, described in detail below. In summary, Phase I, includes the design of the bridge, its associated abutments, approaches, and appurtenances; preparation of easement documents; then preparation, filing and following through the permitting process for all Federal, State and Local permits required for the project. Finally, the Consultant will prepare bid documents, assist in the bidding process, prepare final construction drawings, and consult on any issues that arise during construction. Phase II of the project will include review of shop drawings, providing full-time Construction Inspection, as well as Administration, and Documentation of construction activities. The Town anticipates awarding a contract to the selected Consultant for Phase I with an option to award an additional contract for Phase II if it is determined to be in the best interest of the Town. This project is not funded at this time. The Consultant's proposal must be valid for at least 120 days to provide adequate time for the Town's funding process. Deadline for submitting questions 11/26/2021 4:30 p.m. The Town will only accept questions, in writing, via e-mail regarding this RFQ until November 26, 2021. Please provide company name, address, phone number, e-mail address and contact person when submitting questions. Questions regarding the RFQ shall be received via e-mail, and submitted to: Richard Kotchko Purchasing Officer Town of Westport 203-341-1047 rkotchko@westportct.gov Answers to all questions submitted available by 11/29/2021 3:30 p.m. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. *Project information, including timeline and contacts, has been obtained through public sources. The content management team continues to pursue additional details; however, the contact(s) listed have yet to disclose or confirm any information. Inquiries should be directed to the contact(s) listed.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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December 1, 2022


Hillandale Rd, Westport, CT

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