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Published December 22, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Sorel-Tracy, Quebec. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

Reference number : 1539462 Review Title : Addition of a 95T_pre-order - HDS chiller Deadline for receipt of complaints: 2021-11-08 Electronic submission accepted: No Addition of a 95 T Hôtel-Dieu de Sorel cooler_précommand (IM-PS-1590) Establishment : Integrated health and social services center of Montérégie-Est Installation targeted by the work : Hôtel-Dieu de Sorel, 400 avenue de l'Hotel-Dieu, Sorel-Tracy, QC, J3P 1N5 The Project Manager, Integrated Health and Social Services Center of Montérégie-Est, headquartered at 2750 boulevard Laframboise, St-Hyacinthe (Quebec) J2S 4Y8 requests bids for the construction work of the project mentioned in the title. Interested parties can only obtain the tender documents through the SÉAO electronic tender system. (www.seao.ca or for the Montreal region at 514-856-6600 or for outside toll free at 1-866-669-7326). TRANSFER OF CONTRACT At the time of the award by the CISSSME to the Contractor, the CISSSME will cede its responsibilities under the contract for the equipment described in the Technical Estimate. The Contractor will absorb this contract as a subcontracting agreement under its full responsibility, thereby assuming all rights, privileges, obligations and responsibilities, including payments made under the contract. The assignment by the CISSSME to the Contractor will in no way release the tenderer from its responsibilities and obligations under this contract. The CISSSME will notify the tenderer of the transfer of this contract. The supplier will be responsible for ensuring the proper installation of the equipment supplied in coordination with the Contractor responsible for the installation. He must ensure that the manufacturer's installation recommendations are respected by the Contractor. The works include: The supply of one (1) one-piece 93-ton cooling unit delivered to the site in a single module. . Inspection of the installation to confirm that it meets the manufacturer's requirements. . Start-up assistance. . All shop drawings. . Instructions to maintenance personnel. . The guarantee. . Deadline for issuing shop drawings: seven (7) working days after receipt of a purchase order or letter of intent. . Maximum delivery time: twenty-four (24) weeks following approval of shop drawings. . The delivery of components to the Hôtel-Dieu Hospital in Sorel (400, avenue de l'Hotel-Dieu, Sorel-Tracy, Quebec J3P 1N4), to the location designated by the contractor who will be subsequently chosen to carry out the 'installation. Excluded work : Installation and connection of the unit. Only contractors with a business office in Quebec are allowed to tender (NB when an intergovernmental agreement is applicable, add the following text: "or in a province or territory covered by this agreement") and holding the required license in under the Building Act. A contractor holding a restricted license issued by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec or registered in the register of enterprises not eligible for public contracts (RENA) and whose period of ineligibility for public contracts has not ended, is not admitted to submit a bid; these two cases of inadmissibility also apply to the tenderer's subcontractors. Tenderers are responsible for the choice of subcontractors, both for their solvency and for the content of their tender; and must inform them of the conditions they intend to impose on them and ensure that they hold the required permits and licenses. Request for clarification: Bidders who wish to receive clarifications with regard to the call for tenders must do so in writing at the latest 2 working days before the date and time set for receiving the bids by communicating with the following person and taking care to mention the project number and project title (Addition of a 95 T Hôtel-Dieu de Sorel cooler_pre-order (IM-PS-1590)): Resource person : Sébastien Surprenant Email address : sebastien.surprenant .cisssme16 @ ssss.gouv.qc.ca Complaints Management The Integrated Health and Social Services Center of Montérégie-Est (CISSSME) has adopted a Complaints Management Procedure in accordance with section 21.0.3 of the Act respecting contracting by public bodies (CQLR, c. C-65.1). The TENDERER or any Person having an interest within the meaning of the Law may lodge a complaint with the CISSS de la Montérégie-Est in relation to this Call for Tenders. The conditions for opening a complaint as well as the procedure to follow to file a complaint can be found in the Complaints Management Procedure of the CISSS de la Montérégie-Est at the following address: http: //www.santemonteregie.qc .ca / est / documentation / procedure-relating-to-the-reception-and-examination-of-complaints-related-to-management. And you will find the details and the complaint form addressed to a public body on the website of the Autorité des marchés publics at the following address: https://www.amp.gouv.qc.ca/porter-plainte/ complaint-public-body / By signing the Tender Form, the TENDERER acknowledges that he has read the CISSS Montérégie-Est Complaints Management Procedure and undertakes to respect it.




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November 15, 2021

December 15, 2021


400 Av. de l'Hôtel-Dieu, Sorel-Tracy, QC

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