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Published December 23, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Murray, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

LED Marquee Sign The Murray Board of Education is accepting bids for a LED Marquee Sign for Murray High School, 1800 Syca-more Street, Murray, Kentucky, 42071. The invitation, specifications and general conditions can be viewed, downloaded or printed from the internet The Murray Board of Education reserves the right to waive defects and informali-ties in bids and to reject any or all bids. SCOPE: Bids shall include all shipping, handling, and installation fees and will have no hidden costs. The awarded provider will be held responsible to visit the job site to determine existing conditions under which services will be performed as required in this bid. The awarded provider will not be offered any allowances or concessions for any error or negligence resulting from failing to properly survey the job site conditions. The awarded provider is responsible for obtaining and paying for any permits and other permissions that may be required of them from the City of Murray. Upon completion the awarded provider shall provide three sets of equipment manuals and warranty documents for all equipment. Bids shall include explicit technical information regarding electrical requirements or special structural considerations or other accommodations required for proper installation and operation of specified equipment. The awarded provider will provide all accessories and controls to provide a fully functioning system. The owner will provide the electrical connection to the outdoor digital marquee sign.




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1800 Sycamore St, Murray, KY

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