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Published June 3, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, outdoor lighting and renovation of a mixed-use development in Springfield, Illinois. Design plans call for the renovation of a 913,236-square-foot, seven-story above grade municipal facility; for site work for a municipal facility; sidewalk / parking lot; and for outdoor lighting for a sidewalk / parking lot.

As of June 3, 2022, an architect has been selected and design has not begun yet. Although a firm timeline for construction has not been determined, construction should start in last quarter 2023. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: The Willard Ice Building (I0100) is a 913,236 square foot, 7-story building established in 1982. The scope of work provides for replacing several air handling units while adding dehumidification capabilities if necessary, along with associated pumps and piping, and providing variable frequency drives, as well as replacing several air conditioning units in the Print Center that no longer function. The scope includes replacing chilled and condenser water pumps, VAV boxes, exhaust fans, and thermostats, while integrating this equipment into the new Alpha Controls BAS provided by a separate project. The scope will also include replacing ductwork where needed, replacing the remaining pneumatic actuators with digitally controlled actuators, installing a reboiler to humidify the air with steam where needed, replacing water waste compressors with air-cooled compressors, re-zoning and providing a full commissioning of the HVAC system, and replacing areas of deteriorated water piping around the chilled water loop. Potentially installing photocells for outdoor lighting and exploring the reuse of grey-water for outdoor irrigation of landscaping will also be included. The A/E will need to determine if any components of this project are eligible for a utility company or other energy grant / rebate and will be responsible for preparing and submitting the grant application if the project qualifies for the rebate. A combined MBE/WBE goal of 20 percent is applicable to the A/E team. Some level of participation from both MBE and WBE firms is required to satisfy this goal (this requires including one or more MBE AND one or more WBE firms on the team). A VBE/PBE goal of 3 percent is applicable to the A/E team. The interviews for this project are tentatively scheduled for January 20, 2022. PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED: $5,000,000 The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.




Public - State/Provincial

Outdoor Lighting, Renovation, Site Work

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November 1, 2023


101 W Jefferson St, Springfield, IL

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