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Published November 24, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Hagerstown, Maryland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Project entails the monthly maintenance of landscaping beds and landscape areas at various locations around the City of Hagerstown. The City of Hagerstown is soliciting price proposals for the above-referenced maintenance project in accordance with these documents. The City is requesting prices for the monthly maintenance ofselected landscaped islands and landscaped areas with the goal ofhaving landscaped areas that are weed free, aesthetically attractive, and project a positive image of our community. The price shall be the complete price for all manpower, equipment, materials and incidentals necessary to complete the maintenance as per the specifications included herein. The City anticipates approval on December 21st with Notice to Proceed on March 1, 2022. The attached Unit Price Contract is a sample ofthe contract we would use. This contract shall be in force until February 28, 2023. At the mutual consent of both parties, the contract may be extended an additional two year period until February 28, 2025. In the event ofsuch extension occurs, all contract prices will be adjusted based on the "Bureau ofLabor Consumer Price Index" statistics. The adjustment shall be % ofthe increase ofthe movement, rounded to the nearest percent. No bonds are required. City will pay the contractor monthly upon satisfactory completion of all work as determined by the Director of Public Works. Provide insurance per the attached requirements. The City reserves the right to award the contract in whole or in part at the sole discretion ofthe Director of Public Works. Full monthly payment will be made upon satisfactory delivery ofservices and meeting the schedule. The City of Hagerstown Engineering Department is the sole entity authorized to provide this RFP package to interested companies or individuals. Firms who are working from an RFP package obtained from any other source may have an incomplete set of documents. The City assumes no responsibilityfor any error, omission, or misinterpretation resultingfrom a company's use ofan incomplete RFP package. Firms who have received the RFP package from a source other than the City Engineering Department office are advised to contact the office to provide their company name, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, contact name and contact e-mail address. This will ensure that the company receives all RFP related communications and documents, including addenda. There may be one or more addendumsto this solicitation. Contact Jeannie Jefferies, Administrative Coordinator at 301-790-0700 or jjefferies@hagerstownmd.org to obtain contract documents. There is no Pre-bid Meeting. Questions should be directed to Rodney Tissue at rtissue@hagerstownmd.org or by calling 301-739-8577 ext 128 no later than 4:30 pm on Friday, December 3, 2021.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Hagerstown, MD

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