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Published January 28, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Elmwood Park, Illinois. Design plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

Job No. V-91-004-22, FAI 55 (I-55) at IL 43 (Harlem Avenue), IL 43 from 47th Street to Sanitary & Ship Canal, and IL 43 at Sanitary & Ship Canal, Phase II Engineering Project, Cook County, Region One/District One. This project requires 18% DBE participation, or if the contract goal is not met, documented evidence of good faith efforts. The Complexity Factor for this project is 0.07. The Consultant who is selected for this project and all Subconsultants the Prime Consultant will be using are scheduled to attend an initial meeting on February 2, 2022 at 1:00 PM at the Region One/District One Office in Schaumburg. Phase II engineering services are required for the improvements of I-55 at IL 43 (Harlem Avenue) bridge structure and other improvements as listed below. The Consultant's work is expected to consist of preparing contract plans, specifications, and estimates for the complete bridge replacement of the existing IL 43 bridge over I-55. The proposed bridge will be a 3-span structure with a minimum vertical clearance of 15'-4''. The proposed bridge will have open abutments and precast prestressed concrete IL girders. As part of this bridge replacement, north approach slabs for the northbound and southbound CN RR bridges are proposed to be reconstructed and extended to the sleeper slab for I-55 bridge approach slab. This will effectively create a continuous bridge approach slab system between CN RR bridges and the new I-55 bridge. The Consultant's work may include topographic survey, drainage design, roadway, bridge and underpass lighting, traffic signal modernization, geotechnical services as well as other roadway and structural tasks as determined by the department. The following structures are included in this project: o S.N. 016-0315: IL 43 NB over Chicago Sanitary & Ship Canal o S.N. 016-0316: IL 43 over I-55 o S.N. 016-0317: IL 43 SB over CN RR o S.N. 016-0318: IL 43 NB over CN RR o S.N. 016-0991: IL 43 SB over Chicago Sanitary & Ship Canal The estimated construction cost for this project is $46,000,000. The completion date for this contract will be 24 months after authorization to proceed. The Prime firm must be prequalified in the following categories to be considered for this project: Highways (Roads and Streets) Structures (Highway: Advanced Typical) Statements of Interest, including resumes of the key people noted above, must be submitted electronically to the Central Bureau of Design and Environment through the Engineering Prequalification and Agreement System (EPAS). The firm acting as the prime must be prequalified in all the prequalification categories requested in the project advertisement even if they plan to subcontract part of the project, except where noted in a specific project advertisement. Any work being done by a consultant, prime or sub must be prequalified in the IDOT prequalification category of work they are performing. Prequalified firms may indicate their desire to be considered for selection on any of the projects listed herein by submitting a separate Statement of Interest (SOI) for each project. Questions concerning this Bulletin should be directed to: E-mail: DOT.ConsultantServices@illinois.gov Or mailing address: Bureau of Design and Environment 2300 South Dirksen Parkway Attn: Consultant Unit Room 330 Springfield, IL 62764. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. IDOT - 06 - RFQ Engineering - FAI 55 (I-55) at IL 43 (Harlem Avenue), IL 43 From 47th Street to Sanitary and Ship Canal, and IL 43 at Sanitary and Ship Canal, Phase II Engineering Project


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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December 2, 2022


IL-43, Elmwood Park, IL

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RFQ Engineering - FAI 55 (I-55) at IL 43 (Harlem Avenue), IL 43 From 47th Street to Sanitary and Ship Canal, and IL 43 at Sanitary and Ship Canal, Phase II Engineering Project

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