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Published April 3, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Prince Frederick, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Furnish all labor and materials to replace nine (9) air handling units (two (2) units are rooftop, one (1) unit is indoors, and the remaining six (6) units are in a penthouse). Remove existing multizone units and convert to VAV utilizing VAV boxes with reheat. Scope includes associated electrical and plumbing work as well as running new hot water mains from the existing heating water system to VAV boxes. All piping in the penthouse will be new. New controls will be DDC. Rooftop areas within the scope of work to be removed to expose existing deck, install flat and tapered roof insulation and install new roofing membrane, flashings and accessories per plans and specifications prepared by Gipe Associates, Incorporated entitled HVAC Systemic & Partial Roof Replacement at Calvert Elementary School, both dated 06 January 2023. Please note that all bidders must be prequalified. The contractor who provides materials, supplies, equipment and/or services for this project shall attempt to achieve the specific overall MBE goal of ten percent (10%) established for the Work that will ultimately be completed over the duration of the IDIQ Contract. All prime contractors, including certified MBE firms, when submitting bids or proposals as general or prime contractors, are required to attempt to achieve this goal from certified MBE firms. There are no subgoals established for this project. However, the Contractor is encouraged to use a diverse group of subcontractors and suppliers from any and all of the various MBE classifications to meet the overall MBE participation goal. Each bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond from a surety company acceptable to the Board of Education, properly executed in form to the Board of Education for not less than five (5) percent of the amount of the bid. Bid Bonds may be returned to all bidders, with the exceptionof the awardee, within 48 hours after the Board of Education has awarded the contract. After award and within 10 days thereof, the successful bidder shall deliver to the Board of Education, Performance and Payment Bonds in the amount of one hundred (100) percent of his contract price covering faithful performance of the contract. In the event of inclement weather on the date when bids are scheduled to be opened and the CCPS administrative offices are closed, bids will be opened on the next business day at the same time as previously scheduled. Bids will be accepted until the scheduled time of opening on the next business day. Please note: Often when schools are closed due to inclement weather, administrative offices remain open. When in doubt, contact Mr. Sheldon Taylor, Supervisor of Finance - Procurement at taylors@calvertnet.k12.md.us. All questions must be submitted via electronic mail to Mr. Sheldon Taylor at taylors@calvertnet.k12.md.u. Questions requiring a clarification to the bid documents must be received no later 4:00 pm on Friday, 03 February 2023. The Work to be performed under this Contract shall commence as follows: Work in un-occupied areas that does not affect services in the occupied spaces of the school may commence 04 March 2024. Work in occupied spaces of the building or Work involving taking services offline that serve occupied areas shall commence on or about 20 June 2024. Substantial Completion shall be achieved no later than: 16 August 2024 except as hereafter extended by valid written Change Order by the Owner. Should the Contractor neglect, refuse, or otherwise fail to complete the Work within the time specified for Substantial Completion, the Contractor agrees, in partial consideration for the award of this Contract, to pay the Owner the amount of Zero Dollars ($0.00) per calendar day, without limitation.




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1450 Dares Beach Rd, Prince Frederick, MD

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