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Site work and paving for a civil project in Ellensburg, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

Bid improvements consist of open channel canal replacement with large diameter pipeline, and road improvements, drainage, earthwork and other work, all in accordance with the contract plans, the contract provisions, and the specifications. The improvements are for construction of water conservation and operational improvements to the KRD system. Requested work follows the existing South Branch Canal alignment. The segment begins downstream of the existing Canal Control Structure 10.4 and extends up to approximately 2,100 feet downstream of turnout near milepost 10.8. The Project has been divided into a Base Reach and an Optional Reach. The base bid improvements in these documents are for roadway improvements and pipeline replacement of open channel from the existing 84-inch steel reinforced HDPE pipe transition as work related to canal improvements for 800 feet between Stations 551+25 (MP10.44) and Station 559+25 (MP10.59). It is the District's desire to improve the remaining reaches of the canal between Robinson Creek and Manastash Creek. Pricing of the an initial reach extension is requested for potential optional award at the discretion of KRD. The optional bid improvements in these documents are for roadway improvements and pipeline replacement of open channel described as work related to canal improvements between Stations 559+25 to 572+25. Optional award will depend on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, grant funding award, weather, cost, Contractors work plan, demonstrated productivity on base bid reach, and the anticipated start of the 2022 irrigation seasons on or about April. This optional pricing will not be factored into evaluation of apparent low bidder. For bidders unable to attend the scheduled prebid conference, please contact the District office to schedule access to the site to view existing conditions. Questions will not be entertained during such an independently scheduled site visit. Any question stemming from the site visit will need to be submitted for public response through the District bid information posting process.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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