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Published March 1, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Bentonville, Arkansas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
The Authority proposes to accomplish a number of projects which may include, but are not limited to: additional taxiways, runways, ramps, maintenance and rehabilitation (pavement, roadway and facilities), airfield lighting, marking, parking envelopes, electrical vaults, electrical systems, drainage, storm water retention, drainage, parking lots, parking decks, revenue control systems, rental car facilities, upper level concourses, loading bridges, T-hangars, corporate hangars, ARFF stations and related expansions, security items which may include blast-proofing, studies, systems and components, infrastructure projects to include utility work, fuel storage and distribution, navigational aids and related installation, environmental projects, on airport roadways, highways, toll roads, right of way acquisition, survey, EGIS, A-GIS Surveys and geo-technical work, signage for both air and landside projects, plan reviews, commissioning and other work as may be assigned. While many of the projects are expected to take place over a three year period, the Authority reserves the right to extend the selection for an additional two years. The Authority also reserves the right to re-advertise for those services not under contract, and select multiple firms. The Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all submittals, waive any formalities, technicalities, or omissions, and make an award deemed to be in the best interest of the Authority. 1. The Offeror's or Bidder's attention is called to the "Equal Opportunity Clause" and the "Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications" set forth herein. 2. The goals and timetables for minority and female participation, expressed in percentage terms for the Contractor's aggregate workforce in each trade on all construction work in the covered area, are as follows: Timetables Goals for minority participation for each trade:3.3% Goals for female participation in each trade:6.9% These goals are applicable to all of the Contractor's construction work (for federally assisted projects) performed in the covered area. If the Contractor performs construction work in a geographical area located outside of the covered area, it shall apply the goals established for such geographical area where the work is actually performed. With regard to this second area, the Contractor also is subject to the goals for its federally involved construction. The Contractor's compliance with the Executive Order and the regulations in 41 CFR Part 60-4 shall be based on its implementation of the Equal Opportunity Clause, specific affirmative action obligations required by the specifications set forth in 41 CFR 60-4.3(a) and its efforts to meet the goals. The hours of minority and female employment and training must be substantially uniform throughout the length of the contract, and in each trade, and the Contractor shall make a good faith effort to employ minorities and women evenly on each of its projects. The transfer of minority or female employees or trainees from Contractor to Contractor or from project to project for the sole purpose of meeting the Contractor's goals shall be a violation of the contract, the Executive Order and the regulations in 41 CFR Part 60-4. Compliance with the goals will be measured against the total work hours performed. 3. As used in this notice and in the contract resulting from this solicitation, the "covered area" is Benton and Washington County, Arkansas. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.
Transportation Terminals
Public - State/Provincial
Service, Maintenance and Supply
Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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