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Published December 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Lexington, Kentucky. Working plans call for site work for a educational facility; and playground / park / athletic field.

As of December 17, 2021, the project bids were rejected. The Scope of Work intent of the project is to renovate and replace the existing synthetic field turf system, resurface the existing track surface with new urethane structural spray finish + restripe existing resilient track surface including the entire D area existing high jump surface area. Additionally provide new Goal posts, Discuss net system, and new long jump pits sand catcher / cover combination system. This work includes excavation, demolition, minor concrete work, and rework of finish lawn surfaces, along with other miscellaneous related work to complete the aforementioned project in accordance with the Construction Documents. The fields will Not be occupied during construction work. The contractor shall have full use of the field during the construction time The Project includes the removal and partial recycling (contractor option) of the existing synthetic turf athletic field, reworking of existing perimeter drainage, installation of long jump sand catcher and cover system, installation of new football field rotating goal posts, installation of discus pole sleeve supports & netting system, reworking of the existing gravel subbase and final laser grading, installation geotextile fabric, shock drainage pad, and synthetic turf system, with rubber/sand mix infill. The area of field replacement is the total area inside the existing perimeter track system - totaling (approximately 113,000 SF +/-). All existing track surfaces, and other existing appurtenances shall be protected and not damaged during construction of the turf replacement. The existing running track as well as the high jump pad (approximately 6,000 SF +/-), shall have the existing track surface repaired where indicated or necessary with urethane structural spray coating surface including the 'D area for the high jump area & striping system installed for the entire track area and related events. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond, payable to the Owner in an amount of not less than 5% of the bid. The award of the contract shall be made on the basis of the lowest and best bid in the interest of Fayette County Board of Education. No bidder may withdraw his/her bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for the bid opening. Contractors are to place their Bid Bond, their Supplier Diversity Program Contract Forms, and their Form of Proposal in a large, single envelope labeled with the project name and submitting company. All questions during the bidding period shall be submitted to Jeffrey Pearson (Project Architect), Pearson & Peters Architects, phone (859-233-1213 x225), cell (859) 333-49343 or email (pearson52@pparch.us) No fax number. All questions shall be submitted no later than ten (10) days prior to the established bid date. The successful bidder shall provide a 100% Performance and Payment Bond. Preference for resident bidders shall be given as outlined in KRS 45A.90 to 45A.94 The Owner reserves the right to waive informalities and irregularities, and shall have the right to reject any and all bids. This process has been developed with the intent to support the Fayette County Board of Education in meeting their District-wide 12% goal for Minority-, Womenand Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (MWVBE) participation for total bid contracts.

Final Planning

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work





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December 14, 2021

June 17, 2022


401 Reed Ln, Lexington, KY

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