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Published May 10, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Storrs Mansfield, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The University of Connecticut Putnam Refectory Building has two boilers that need replacing. The boilers are in the boiler room 114 in the basement of the building. The boilers are oversized and inefficient. This project will replace these boilers with smaller and more efficient gas fired boilers and new boiler feeds. This project has an alternate. The alternate is to replace only boiler No. 1 and leave No. 2 in services while installing a new Boiler #1. The construction is planned to start: April 1ST 2022 Construction duration: Six Months Liquidated Damages of $500 per calendar day shall be assessed if the Contractor fails to achieve Substantial Completion, or causes delay to the Substantial Completion of any portion of the work within the Contract Time. Q&A (RFI) Deadline Date 12/01/2021 2:00PM The University reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, in whole or in part, to award any item, group of items, or total bid; and to waive any informality or technical defects; if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the University. Only On-Call $100K-$500K HVAC Contractors are prequalified and may submit a Bid for this Project *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. Replacement of Boiler No. 1 & 2 in Boiler Room No. 114 of the Putnam Refectory Building. The work includes removal of the boilers and all equipment shown on the plans; disposal of all material that UConn deems unusable; all piping, connections, pumps, regulators, insulations, etc. needed for a complete functional system, whether shown on the plans; lining of the 30" x 30" chimney and connection back into the BMS system. All work to be completed by Licensed Technicians. 2. Removal of all debris caused by this Contract. 3. Protection of the public, building, grounds from damage during this contract is the responsibility of the Contractor for this project at all times. 4. Repair or replace landscaping including trees, shrubs or other planting disturbed during the Work of the contract with new to match existing, unless otherwise noted. Regrade and reseed any grass area damaged as a result of the Work. Repair any walkways or paved areas damaged as a result of the Work The "Set-Aside" Requirement for this Project is that (1) not less than thirty percent (30%) of the Total Contract Price be awarded to subcontractors who are certified by the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services as "Small Business Enterprises" ("SBEs") and (2) not less than ten percent (10%) of the Total Contract Price be awarded to subcontractors who are certified by the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services as "Minority Business Enterprises" ("MBEs") (the 10% set aside for MBEs may be included in the 30% set aside for SBEs). If the Contractor is an S/MBE, then any self-performed work may be included in the Set-Aside Requirement




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December 14, 2021

April 1, 2022


Alumni Dr, Storrs Mansfield, CT

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