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Published September 26, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Monticello, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

**As of 01/05/2022, this project was awarded to Southern Oak Contacting this company was the sole bidder. Materials will be supplied by BOE Contractor shall supply all labor, tools, equipment, and forms to complete the job. Slab Install batter boards, forms, gravel, wire, plastic, and rebar for the monolithic slab. Thicken slab with rebar at divide wall location Install vertical rebar every 4', 3 at each corner, and at each side of an opening Vertical rebar through top course Walls Outside walls 8" CMU 15 courses Inside walls 6" CMU 15 courses Ladder wire every 2 courses Top course channel block, with rebar, and filled Channel block above every opening with rebar and filled, 16" past opening Framing Frame up one (1) 8' x 8' garage door openings for block opening Set 5 metal door frames provided by BOE Install top plates and anchor to block Install roof trusses Install decking and felt Install siding in gables 8" hardy plank siding and 2 gable vents Install soffit with vents Install fascia Install metal roof Install gutters Provide and install sheetrock ceiling Use 1/2 " moisture resistant for restrooms and concession Use 5/8" moisture resistant and fire resistant in storage area For questions, email phyde@jasper.k12.ga.u Schedule start date: 1/03/2022 Proof of liability insurance and e-verify are required as part of this request for proposal. Contractor shall supply all labor, tools, equipment, and forms to complete the job. Slab Install batter boards, forms, gravel, wire, plastic, and rebar for the monolithic slab. Thicken slab with rebar at divide wall location Install vertical rebar every 4', 3 at each corner, and at each side of an opening Vertical rebar through top course Walls Outside walls 8" CMU 15 courses Inside walls 6" CMU 15 courses Ladder wire every 2 courses Top course channel block, with rebar, and filled Channel block above every opening with rebar and filled, 16" past opening Framing Frame up one (1) 8' x 8' garage door openings for block opening Set 5 metal door frames provided by BOE Install top plates and anchor to block Install roof trusses Install decking and felt Install siding in gables 8" hardy plank siding and 2 gable vents Install soffit with vents Install fascia Install metal roof Install gutters Provide and install sheetrock ceiling Use 1/2 " moisture resistant for restrooms and concession Use 5/8" moisture resistant and fire resistant in storage area


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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1289 College St, Monticello, GA

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