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Published August 18, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a library in Alliance, Nebraska. Completed plans call for the renovation of a library.

The ALLIANCE PUBLIC LIBRARY- HVAC SYSTEMS REPLACEMENT involves a variety of mechanical and electrical work. The project modifies, upgrades, and replaces mechanical systems that are original to the facility's late 1998 construction. Systems to be replaced include; the chiller and chilled water system, fan-powered VAV boxes, and the facility's DDC control system. Modifications include changes to the heating hot water piping, adding additional diffusers to existing ductwork, re-motoring of the existing air handlers and return fans, heating hot water pump replacement, adding Variable Frequency Drives (VFD's), and other items. Critical issues of this project involve maintaining the continued operation of the library and community college, along with minimal disruption of interior temperature conditions during the replacement of the systems and equipment. Disruption of library and community college operations will be limited to temporary closure of individual rooms, with those closures being coordinated in advance with the library/community college. The completion of all work is to occur by May 21st, 2023. The spring final completion date is intended to accommodate for and allow contractor flexibility for the extended lead times currently occurring for mechanical and electrical equipment. Minimal disruption of the interior temperature during operating hours will be achieved by scheduling the modification/removal/replacement of the mechanical systems during periods when those systems are not required. Removal and replacement of the chilled water system will occur during the Fall/Winter/Spring. Work on the heating system is less extensive and complex, such that down times can be limited. However, the major work on the heating system would still be done during the Fall or Spring, during mild conditions such that temporary heat is minimally required or not needed. Disruptions of individual spaces, caused by work such as VAV box replacement, control system replacement, etc., will be coordinated with the Library/Community College.




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August 5, 2022

September 5, 2022


1750 Sweetwater Ave, Alliance, NE

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