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Published May 4, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

To supply the RM with Cutting Edges that meet or exceeds the specifications listed below. Please provide quote showing a price in Canadian Dollars (CAD) which includes delivery to Corman Park's Lutheran Shop by March 4, 2022 located at SE 1/4 section of 15, Township 38, Range 6 West of the Third Meridian. Near Lutheran Grid and Dalmeny Access. Grader Blades o 650 Grader blades - 5/8"x8"x8' (Heat treated blades) with 3/4 " bolt holes - 8'curved in length o No Plow Bolts o No Wing Blades o No Nuts Additional Specifications/Conditions: o The material hardness for the heat treated blades shall meet or exceed the following; o Rockwell C Hardness Rating of 43 - 52 or equivalent o Brinell Hardness Rating of 400 - 512 or equivalent o The Supplier is required to have a warranty program for the following potential issues: o Bolt holes not properly aligned with grader moldboard o Blades shattering while in use o Blade exchange depot to be located within the vicinity (150 km) of Saskatoon, Sk Provide a detailed specification list, with respect to grader blades, edge specifications are heat treated measuring 8 feet in length curved, 8 inches wide, and 5/8 inch thickness The Rural Municipality of Corman Park #344 reserves the right to refuse or reject any or all quotes, and to waive irregularities and informalities at its sole discretion. Selection will be based on what Council considers being the "best value" to Corman Park taking into consideration the following factors: a) The amount of the quote which must be in Canadian Dollars (CAD) and have the breakdown, inclusive of the following; o Duties o Inspection costs o Permits o Customs o Other applicable taxes b) The extent to which the quote meets or exceeds the specifications set out in this invitation; c) The ability of the proponent to expeditiously provide grader blades and warranty service to the greater. d) Delivery by March 4, 2022 Should Corman Park not receive any quotation satisfactory to it, in its sole and absolute discretion, Corman Park reserves the right to request new invitations to quote, either to the public or through invited quotation requests. Proposal documents, in duplicate, with a letter of transmittal signed by an authorized company representative shall be provided in an email envelope clearly marked: "Motor Grader Blade Quote Confidential Proposal - R.M. of Corman Park" The lowest or any quote may not necessarily be accepted and the R.M. of Corman Park will not be responsible for any costs incurred by any provider of a quotation in preparing its quotation. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified following the final decision by the R.M. By the act of submitting a Proposal the applicant agrees that: a) That the applicant will enter into a Contract with the R.M. on the terms set out in the quote; b) To waive any right to contest in any legal proceedings or action the right of the R.M. to award the Contract to any applicant in its sole discretion.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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