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Saving Project...

Published January 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Concord, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Full depth reclamation: Curtice Avenue (full length), Foster Street (full length), Granite Avenue (full length), Prospect Street (full length); South State Street (full length), and South Street (Pleasant Street to Clinton Street). Liquidated Damages: In the event that the Contractor fails to satisfactorily complete the work contemplated and provided for under this contract, on or before November 11, 2022 or the driveway aprons and 2' shoulder gravel within 20 business days of finish paving of the road, the City shall deduct from the payments due the Contractor each month, the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) plus engineering charges per day for each calendar day of delay, which sum is agreed upon not as a penalty, but as fixed and liquidated damages for each day of such delay, to be paid in full and subject to no deduction. If the payments due the Contractor are less than the amount of such liquidated damages said damages shall be deducted from any other monies due or to become due the Contractor or shall be paid by the Contractor's surety. Description of Work to Be Performed for the Pavement Reclamation portion: For designated sections of road within the Project Location, work shall consist of pulverizing the existing pavement together with the base material to a depth of 12 inches; stabilizing the base with Calcium Chloride as directed, not all roads will receive Calcium Chloride; grading and compacting the new surface with a pad foot (sheep's foot) vibratory roller ; and providing an overlay, in base and wear courses, of hot bituminous pavement. A crushed gravel or recycled asphalt shoulder of 2 foot minimum width is to be provided from the reclaimed base material to the existing ditch - as conditions allow. Drive entry aprons are to be provided as directed. The existing driveways are to be trimmed to ensure a smooth transition with the overlay, as needed. All the street sections contain manholes, catch basins and water gate valve boxes that will require lowering before reclamation and resetting before the wearing course is paved. Entering any manhole structure will be according to OSHA Confined Space requirements. Ditching may also be needed on some of the streets. Exact locations and amount will be determined in the field. Resetting granite curb and rebuilding of sidewalks are part of this project. Pavement markings, as existing, will be reinstalled after completion of construction by the City of Concord, but must be tied down by the Contractor before obliteration. Temporary pavement markings on the base course are the responsibility of the Contractor and are subsidiary to the Maintenance of Traffic pay item. The intent of the contract is to provide "Full Depth". The "Bid" specifies a "depth of 12 inches". Should pavement thickness or base conditions warrant, this limit may be reduced to as little as 8 inches for certain sections of roadway by the Director of the General Services Department at no reduction to the unit price.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Concord, NH

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