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Published February 7, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation and addition to a municipal facility in Swift Current, Saskatchewan. Completed plans call for the addition of a 1,800-square-foot, one-story above grade municipal facility; and for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The RM of Weyburn intends to construct an addition, and renovate an existing building that was purchased. This project will encompass all stages of construction to a turnkey finished office space. Documents are available at www.sasktenders.ca The RM of Weyburn intends to construct an addition, and renovate an existing building that was purchased. This project will encompass all stages of construction to a turnkey finished office space. It is crucial for interested vendors to schedule a site visit to bid well on this project. The lowest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted, and the RM of Weyburn reserves the right to not accept any proposals as part of this process. If this RFP goes to awarding, the evaluation will be at the discretion of Council of the Rural Municipality of Weyburn No. 67, and will be based on the contractor that can provide the best value, quality of workmanship and schedule to complete this project. The scope of this project entails all components to bring the existing building and addition to 100% complete. Below is a list of work to be done with details on certain specifics. A "Value Added" section in your proposal is welcomed to include any innovative ideas or extras that could be considered in this build. Miscellaneous items identified during site visit and walk through of building - potential demolition and debris removal Construction of building per attached drawings (including all modifications such as removal of overhead doors, and new exterior window placement) Leveling existing concrete floor Pour new concrete in the addition Spray foam insulation throughout (exterior walls & roof) Sound deadening insulation in all interior walls Electrical Electrical plan/design for RM review prior to construction Electrical wiring throughout to properly service and light the building Minimum code requirements for outlets throughout, with at least 2 in the ceiling Wiring in each office for additional wall or floor heater unit CAT-6 wiring throughout for network connections Offices and reception - network connection at every electrical outlet ports in server room ports in council chamber (floor connection) ports in meeting room (floor connection) port in storage/file room Up to 10 additional ports in the ceiling All wiring on outside walls to be in conduit Security system with swipe card access for exterior doors (including both vestibule doors), outdoor cameras, alarm system for main entrance. All cameras hardwired, no wireless. All lighting fixtures awarded GC and bid value were not released for publication.




Public - City

Addition, Renovation

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January 10, 2022

May 1, 2022


1 Ave NE, Swift Current, SK

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