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Published December 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Richmond, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

All Inquiries for Information Should Be Directed IN WRITING ONLY To Corey S. Richie, Procurement Officer at corey.richie@dof.virginia.gov. If the pre-bid meeting is canceled due to weather, it will be held Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 11AM. All bidders who RSVP will be notified by 7AM the morning of November 29, 2021. PURPOSE: The purpose of the Invitation to Bid is to secure a private contractor for coordination and oversight of establishing forested riparian buffers on a property deeded to the Central Region Land Conservancy (CRLC) in Henrico, Virginia, adjacent to Deep Bottom Park. The CRLC has entered into an agreement with the VDOF to take part in the James River Buffer Program to fund the work. Work will commence in 2022 with follow up maintenance through 2023 SCOPE OF WORK: To provide services related to establishing and maintaining forested riparian buffers to the Central Regional Land Conservancy (CRLC) located in Henrico County, Virginia. (See Attachment H for maps). The entire tract is 340 acre and was deeded to the CRLC in early 2021 by a private landowner. Between 2017 and 2018 a substantial area of the property was harvested. It was replanted soon after under the Virginia Department of Forestry's Reforestation of Timberlands Program. Project activity will take place on approximately 9 acres within eight distinct areas near streams and other water features. Approximately 6 acres total, within five stands, will be planted with hardwood species of trees and shrubs. A drainage ditch, 530 linear feet, that will be graded prior to the start of this project, will be planted densely with live stakes and hardwood seedlings installed on outer edges. A 2 acre section, invaded with Chinese privet, lies within a Resource Protection Area (RPA) as designated by the County of Henrico. Control of the Chinese privet must be performed by a hand crew. The remaining three acres will be converted to forest by fostering natural regeneration by seed from adjacent mature hardwoods. This will be aided by the broadcast application of a grass selective herbicide. In order to mark the boundaries of the natural regeneration areas, rough cedar posts will be installed. The contractor will arrange for all crews, and work with the Contract Administrator to obtain seedlings, live stakes and planting related materials and ensure that seedlings and live stakes are properly planted. Contractor will supply all herbicide and herbicide application will be performed using best practices and following guidance on the pesticide label by certified pesticide applicators. The contractor will perform buffer maintenance in the form of herbicide application around tree shelters, seedling replacement as needed, and repair or replacement of tree shelters and stakes. All work will be completed in accordance with the specifications in this contract.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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December 27, 2021

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9525 Deep Bottom Rd, Richmond, VA

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