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Published January 3, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Lexington, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

Removal of existing hydrants at 120 existing camp sites and replace with 120 new frost proof hydrants. Hydrant / hydrant assembly to be provided by Owner and installed by Contractor. Contractor to provide and install fitting and connections as indicated in the Drawings, and shall restore areas around hydrants damaged or disturbed by construction Estimated Length of Project: 30 (Substantial Completion) + 30 (Final Completion) Responsible Contractors who have proper experience, equipment and qualifications are invited to bid on this work. These factors will be considered in the Award of Contract and all work will be performed under the standard regulations for construction of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. There will not be a pre-bid on this project. Interested contractors must contact Robert Reynolds at (502) 892- 3323, email: robert.reynolds@ky.gov to schedule a site visit. Contractors must make an appointment to visit the site. Bids will be received from Prime Contractors on a Lump Sum Bid Basis for the total project. All phases of work shall be bid to and through the Prime Contracting Firms. Bids shall be submitted in the manner herein described and on the official bid document form included with the conditions and specifications and shall be subject to all the conditions as set forth and described in the Bid Documents. Bids shall be submitted on the Official Form supplied by the Division of Engineering and Contract Administration. Failure to comply with the foregoing requirements will be cause for invalidation of bid. Bids will no longer be accepted via postal carrier (USPS, UPS, FED EX, etc.) nor can bids be delivered to the Bush Building. All forms in your bid document shall be completely filled out when your bid is submitted. Bids must be submitted electronically through MOVEit in order to be accepted. Instructions are attached. Contractors must load their Bid Documents COMBINED into one PDF document under the corresponding RFB in MOVEit in order for it to be received. IF BID IS NOT UPLOADED IN THE CORRECT FOLDER IN MOVEit, THE BID WILL BE DEEMED NON-RESPONSIVE. Bidders are encouraged to take a screen shot verifying bid submittal. This is a secure website, no one can see these bids but the buyers. They are date and time stamped when submitted. Please note that the instructions for MOVEit state that contractors will be notified when their bid is received. Buyers will NOT be notifying contractors. All results will be posted to Lynn Imaging planroom after the bid opening and review. If additional information is needed from the successful bidder the buyer will be in contact. NOTE: Your bid must be uploaded prior to the bid closing date and time. THE UPLOAD TIME MAY VARY DUE TO THE SIZE OF YOUR BID/PROPOSAL AND/OR INTERNET SPEED. NO LATE BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Bidder assumes full responsibility for timely delivery of the bid in compliance with the above described procedures and conditions. There will be a public bid reading by conference call on the bid opening date at 2:30 PM ET. The dial in number is 502-782-2663 or 844-603-5060. Participant code is 960605# REGISTRATION with eMars (eProcurement): In order to receive a contract in the State's electronic procurement system (eMars/eProcurement), a vendor/contractor shall be registered to conduct business therein. Business entities not already registered may register by visiting the eProcurement website at https://finance.ky.gov/eprocurement/pages/default.aspx and complete the registration information. The website has phone numbers and email addresses to facilitate answering any questions you may have with the registration or update process. Failure to comply with this requirement within (5) days after notification may render your bid non-responsive.




Public - State/Provincial

Site Work





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To Be Determined, Lexington, KY

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