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Published January 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

**As of 1/13/2022 project was awarded to HURON VALLEY ELECTRIC award amount is not available. Vendor will order and install LED lighting retrofit, LED replacement fixtures and lighting controls for eight (8) county owned buildings managed by Facilities Management. See Price Sheet beginning on page 18 for a list of buildings that require conversion to LED. The light fixture counts listed below are approximate. Vendor will be responsible for the following: Provide a per building price, and estimated duration for a complete turnkey LED retrofit, new light fixtures and controls. Add lighting controls such as occupancy sensors, dimming switches, daylight sensors where applicable. The successful bidder will be responsible to field verify the following: final fixture counts, accurate part/model numbers, above ceiling clearances, and supply a full submittal package for review and approval by WCFM prior to any fixtures being ordered. Ongoing onsite progress weekly meetings will be required for schedule and installation coordination. Remove and place of all old lamps, fixtures, ballasts, etc. into recycling containers provided by the County Make recommendations for de-lamping to ensure lighting levels match county lighting standard. A copy of the winning bidder's safety program must be submitted. All electrical code, OSHA and MIOSHA regulations and rules must be followed. All contractors must follow all MIOSHA, CDC, and local health department COVID-19 guidelines. Some work may be required to take place on evenings and weekends due to staff occupants working hours. All overtime work must be approved by WCFM. Please provide a dollar amount for 300 hours of overtime. All LED fixtures and controls must be approved by WCFM and WCPARC. Background checks will be required for all onsite vendor staff. As part of the closeout documents a written warranty/guarantee must be assigned to WCFM or WCPARC per manufacturer's specifications. An electronic monthly status report must be included with the monthly progress billing. Daily clean up of all debris or dust created by replacing lights. No waste is allowed to be left above the ceiling or on the floor. Vendor is responsible to order, warehouse and deliver light fixtures and parts to the job site. All cardboard boxes must be recycled. Boxes must be broken down flat before placing in the onsite recycling dumpster. Light fixtures must be: UL listed DTE rebate and DLC approved Made in the USA (if possible) Question Acceptance Deadline 12/03/2021 03:00 PM EST Questions are submitted online No Bid results: 200 N Main Pronto Recovery LLC $ 35,112.87 312 W Huron Pronto Recovery LLC $ 22,143.42 415 W Michigan Pronto Recovery LLC $ 22,066.02 2140 E Ellsworth Pronto Recovery LLC $ 29,196.18 4101 Washtenaw Pronto Recovery LLC $ 31,387.23 4100 Washtenaw Pronto Recovery LLC $ 15,623.01 1000 N Maple Pronto Recovery LLC $ 6,772.55 22 Center Pronto Recovery LLC $ 40,103.20




Public - County


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Ann Arbor, MI

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