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Published December 28, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a transportation facility in Shreveport, Louisiana. Completed plans call for the construction of a transportation facility; and for site work for a transportation facility.

If an electronic bid is submitted, be sure to insert your Louisiana state contractor's license number in the field provided. Insert the number assigned by the designer to each addenda received (i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc.) or zero, if none, in the additional field provided. 909-30 - Building Construction (not Otherwise Classified) The Contractor shall obtain the services of an independent Test and Balance (TAB) Company which specializes in the testing and balancing of heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to test, adjust and balance all HVAC systems in the building(s). 1.2.2 The work included in this section consists of furnishing labor, instruments, and tools required in testing, adjusting and balancing the HVAC systems as described in these specifications or shown on accompanying drawings. Services shall include checking equipment performance, taking the specified measurements, and recording and reporting the results. The testing, adjusting and balancing agency shall act as a reporting agency; that is, list and report each piece of equipment as to identification number, manufacturer, model number, serial number, proper location, specified performance, and report actual performance of all equipment as found during testing. The report is intended to be used during the life of the building as a ready reference indicating original conditions, equipment components, etc. 1.2.3 Representatives of the Test and Balance Company shall visit the job site during installation of the HVAC equipment, piping and ductwork as required. 1.2.4 Upon completion of the HVAC system installation, the Test and Balance Company shall perform all required testing and balancing with the full cooperation of the Contractor and his Sub-contractors. The Contractor shall make changes and/or adjustments to the HVAC system components that are required by the Test and Balance Company to accomplish proper balancing. The TAB agency shall not supply or install any materials or balancing devices, such as pulleys, drives, belts, etc. All of this work is by the Contractor and shall be performed at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.2.5 The test and balance report complete with a summary page listing all deficiencies shall be submitted to the Architect. The test and balance report must be complete and must be accepted by the Architect prior to acceptance of the project. Any outstanding test and balance items shall be placed on the punch list and a monetary value shall be assigned to them. 1.2.6 After all deficiencies have been corrected, the Test and Balance Company shall supply four (4) copies of the final and complete report to the Contractor for inclusion in the Operation and Maintenance Manuals.

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Transportation Terminals


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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December 21, 2021

January 20, 2022


400 Crockett St, Shreveport, LA

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