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Published January 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Wilson, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Direct all inquiries concerning this IFB to: Mashonda Southerland Contract Specialist II Email: mashonda.southerland@dpi.nc.gov Phone: 984-236-2363 Submit Written Questions Vendor December 2, 2021, at 2:00pm Provide Responses to Questions State December 6, 2021 Submission of a bid shall constitute sufficient evidence of Vendor's compliance and no allowance will be made for unreported conditions which a prudent Vendor would recognize as affecting the performance of the work called for in this IFB. Vendor is cautioned that any information released to attendees during the site visit other than that involving the physical aspects of the facility referenced above, and which conflicts with, supersedes, or adds to requirements in this IFB, must be confirmed by written addendum before it can be considered as a part of this IFB and any resulting contract. All attendees must sign in upon arrival and clearly indicate the prospective Vendor represented on the sign in sheet. LATE ARRIVALS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO SIGN IN. Late arrivals may be excluded from the meeting room until all on-time attendees have completed sign-in and the sign-in sheet secured. Once the sign-in process is complete, all other persons wishing to attend may do so to the extent that space and circumstances allow. On-time attendance will be strictly enforced. The purpose of this visit is for all prospective Vendors to apprise themselves with the conditions and requirements which will affect the performance of the work called for by this Invitation for Bids. Vendors shall stay for the duration of the site visit. No allowances will be made for unreported conditions that a prudent Vendor would recognize as affecting the work called for or implied by this bid. Vendor is cautioned that any information released to attendees during the site visit, other than that involving the physical aspects of the facility referenced above, and which conflicts with, supersedes, or adds to requirements in this Invitation for Bid, must be confirmed by written addendum before it can be considered as a part of this bid.




Public - State/Provincial


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Wilson, NC

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