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Published June 20, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, new construction and renovation of a mixed-use development in Surrey, British Columbia. Conceptual plans call for the construction of a municipal facility; clubhouse / community center; multi-residential development; and day care center.

MNBC's Ministry of Housing and Homelessness has an ambitious plan to build Metis centres across BC. Consultation with MNBC citizens and local Chartered Communities will ensure each project will respond to the unique needs of our local communities; however, it's expected that each project will include below-market rental housing, daycare space and office space at minimum. The Surrey project will also include a new purpose build headquarters, including space for the MNBC Governing Assembly, Senate, MNBC office space, office space for local Chartered Communities, cultural gathering space, daycare space and housing across the housing continuum from below-market and market rate rentals to below-market and market-rate ownership units. Options for scope of services for the following sites: Site 1: 9904 and 9912 94 Street, Fort St. John, BC Site 2: 3656 Raymond Street South, Saanish, BC Site 3: 2218 Tetrault Street, Terrace, BC Site 4: 11479 125a Street, Surrey, BC. TIMELINE: Request for proposal to provide development consultant services for the four sites has closed; preferred proponent is selected. The scope of work for this RFP is to provide Development Consultant Services to MNBC for the entire development process. Further update late fall 2023, pending funding approvals.


Clubhouse / Community Centers


Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Renovation, Site Work

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March 4, 2024


13401 108 Ave, Surrey, BC

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