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Published January 23, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Newark, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Project completion (150) calendar days after notice to proceed upon approval by the Board of Commissioners Questions to Fax To: 973-621-5109 Att: Christopher Calvanese Replacement of existing Air Conditioning units at various Essex County facilities as follows: o Hall ofRecords Appendix A contains the breakdown ofunits per location. The new units are to be installed at the same location ofthe existing, same kind or better. -The Contractor is hereby advised that a safe access must be maintained for the work area at all times. The Contractor shall be working at one location of the building at a time. The Contractor must submit a weekly detailed construction schedule and immediately notify the Engineer, in writing, of any changes. o The contractor is to supply and install all returns and electrical matches; also responsible for all connections including electrical, new duct work and insulation. Duct is to be internally insulated not standard ducting. o There are several independent split units included on this contract, the compressor and condenser is on the roof and the air handler, metering device and evaporator is on the space, related to the office being serviced, connected by copper line set, the contractor is requested to replace both parts ofthe units, including refrigerant line sets. The cost for these items is to be include on the bid cost ofthe units. Supply and install all refrigeration piping and insulation necessary. Refrigeration piping will be properly sized as per approved shop drawings and/or as directed by the County. Supply and install all necessary condensate water piping and insulation Supply and install all required electrical connection with proper fused disconnects Pressure test all lines with nitrogen All wall and roof modifications required to mount units including but not limit to, perforating, cutting, patching and painting. Service Areas- Room #542 - RTU #1 Account Receivables - RTU #2 Commissioners - RTU #4 Room #123 - Registers Room Registers (Unit 1) County Executive's Office Court Room #301 Court Room #307 County Administrator Employee Ekevator Room Front Elevator's Room First Floor vault Trane Room #402-Chief of Staff Room #518 - Conference Room




Public - County


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Newark, NJ

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