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Published January 31, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in State College, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field.

Contract No. 08 - Plumbing - Restroom Facility Contract No. 09 0- HVAC - Restroom Facility Sol.no- E41049, 2004 The proposed project will consist of the construction of a new regional park. Thisreport specifically addresses the construction of two (2) single-story masonry structures and lighting structuresfor several playing fields. For the proposed masonry structures, we have assumed maximum wall, column and floor loading of 10 kips per lineal foot, 25 kips and 100 pounds per square foot, respectively. The proposed 70-foot and 90-footmonopole light structures will consist of 30-inch and 36-inch diameter drilled pier foundations with embedment depths of 16'- 0" and 20'-0", respectively. Bids must include a bid bond for the amount of 10% of the total bid. Bonds must be issued by a surety licensed to do business in PA. This is a Prevailing Wage project. Local contractors are encouraged to bid. CLARIFICATION DEADLINE 12/1/2021 12:00 PM Notice to Proceed: January 2022 ; Substantial Completion: June 2023 ; Final Completion: July 2023 General Work under this Bid Package will consists of the complete construction work and includes, but is not limited, to the following items. a. Submittals, shop drawings, samples, schedules, data, etc. required. b. Mock-ups, if required by specifications, or herein. c. Engineering, if required by specifications, or herein. d. Management and Supervision required to perform the work. e. Safety and protection of persons and property. f. Establishment and continually monitoring worker safety procedures and compliance with all applicable OSHA regulations and maintaining a safe work site. g. Establishment and continually monitoring your workers for COVID19. Conduct daily testing and comply with all applicable regulations and maintaining a safe work site. h. All cutting and patching to perform the work. i. Furnishing of related material, transportation, receiving, off-loading, storage, protection, hoisting, shoring, handling, sorting, measuring and layout, distribution, spotting, and assembly. j. Labor, equipment, rigging, tools, and scaffolding to install related material. k. Protection, Maintenance, and Repairs of supplied materials and installed work. l. Attic stock, extras, spares, and/or additional materials, as specified. m. Coordinate all work with other contractors. n. Daily clean-up of your work is required. o. Perform all work in accordance with the project schedule. p. Provide as-built drawings, manuals, instructions, certifications and warranties as required. q. Fees, permits, taxes, duties, royalties, inspections, and approvals, as required. r. Pricing will be valid for the duration called out in the front-end documents


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County


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E Whitehall Rd, State College, PA

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Whitehall Road Regional Park - Phase I - Plumbing-Restroom and HVAC-Restroom

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