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Published January 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a communication facility in Kelso, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a communication facility.

Proposal requirements and details may be obtained from: Cowlitz County Purchasing Services 207 N. 4th Avenue, Room 308 Kelso, WA, 98626 Telephone: (360) 577-3032 ext. 6856 The request is being made available electronically. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any informalities in the proposals, and to accept other than the low proposal if it appears to be in the best interests of the county. All documents received in response to this invitation to bid will become a matter of public record and subject to the Washington public disclosure act under chapter 42.56 RCW. Cowlitz County seeks proposals from qualified vendors or individuals for the replacement of the existing Avaya telecommunications system with a new comprehensive Voice over Internet Protocol ( VoIP ) solution The request is being made available electronically. If accepted by such means, the Bidder acknowledges and accepts full responsibility to ensure that no changes are made to the Request for Proposal documents. The chosen vendor will provide and implement a VoIP telephony solution for the County. That implementation should include the following: 1. Project Kickoff 2. Discovery to ensure the needs of County staff are met 3. IP-based Voice Capabilities 4. Reliability and System Longevity 5. System Redundancy 6. System Administration 7. Support and Service Capabilities 8. Scalability 9. Training and Usage Plan 10. Migration Plan from Existing Telephony System 11. Migration of existing incoming lines 12. Installation plan and support for all hardware 13. The County has an existing VMware virtual environment. Proposed virtual servers may be integrated into the existing environment to be determined during the project planning stage. 14. The County is currently using PRI (T1) trunks from the Telco, but would explore the possibility of moving to SIP. 15. County staff will handle removal and disposal of all unused legacy equipment.




Public - County


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To Be Determined, Kelso, WA

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