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Published January 20, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Exton, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

CLARIFICATION DEADLINE 12/14/2021 5:00 PM Estimated budget is Under $35,000. Scope of Work: The Work included in this Bid consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, supplies, labor, transportation, fuel, and power and performing all Work as required by the Bid, in accordance with the Specifications, Drawings, and including any such detail Drawings as may be furnished by West Whiteland Township from time to time during construction in interpretation of said Drawings. The Contractor shall supply all material, labor and equipment necessary to complete the project in accordance with the specifications, whether expressly called for in the specifications or drawings or not, which are necessary to complete the project and ensure its proper construction. The Work shall be executed in the best and most workmanlike manner by qualified, careful, and experienced workers. The Contractor shall at all times use his best efforts to ensure that the workers are courteous to members of the public encountered during the Work under this contract. In the event of violations of this provision, the Township shall in its discretion have the right to require the Contractor to remedy the problem and prevent future violations by removing the offending worker(s) from all work under this Contract The Work shall include furnishing materials, equipment, and labor for all improvements toconstruct a permitter dog fence with gates. Furnish and install approximately 1,250 LF of 4' tall black vinyl chain-link fence to create two separate dog park areas. Components include: 3 single gates - 36" width, configured to provide staged access to the fenced in areas. 2 double gates - 10 ft. width (two 5 ft. wide), for maintenance access o Gate posts for double gates shall be 3" o Gates shall have welded frames, frame size to be 1 5/8". Wire 2" x 9 ga core, 8 ga finish black vinyl coated 2.5" terminal posts Sch 40, 2.0" line posts sch 40 with steel loop caps 1 5/8" top rail sch 20 7 ga Bottom tension wire, black Corner, terminal, and gate posts shall be set in concrete. Line posts shall be driven, 3 ft. minimum embedment o Line posts may be set in concrete at no additional cost to owner. Wire ties shall be steel or equivalent. Aluminum ties will not be permitted.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work

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800 Swedesford Rd, Exton, PA

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Exton Park Swedesford Recreation Area Dog Fence

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