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Published February 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Overland Park, Kansas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Johnson County Community College (the "College") is soliciting bids for the CLB Building Restroom Renovation. The awarded firm should realize that JCCC doesn't want the restroom closed for the demolition and then have the restroom sit idly closed for weeks. The awarded firm should only close them for demo after shop drawings are approved and the firm knows the expected delivery date of key components like lighting and partitions. The firm should then work backwards from that expected delivery date to schedule when they should do the demo to minimize the time the restroom is closed. All communications in regards to this RFB are only to be directed to the Procurement dept. (Main contact, Larry Allen lallen35@jccc.edu) This conference/site tour will enable Contractors to ask questions & tour the building to be bid on for the project. No more than two (2) employees from each firm are to attend and must adhere to Johnson County, KS Covid-19 guidelines for masks, social distancing, etc. Attendance at the conference is highly recommended. The project includes a renovation of the main multi-stall restrooms within the Classroom Laboratory Building. The renovation shall not adjust square footages or increase occupancy counts. The plumbing fixture count shall eliminate (1) urinal per floor but otherwise stay the same as existing for toilets and lavatories. The project shall be phased so as to renovate the restrooms on the first floor and third floor until they are complete and then renovating the second and fourth floor restrooms. There will be work being performed under a separate contract during this renovation in separate areas of the building The renovation of the main multi-stall restrooms within the Classroom Laboratory Building. Project shall be phased so as to renovate the restrooms on the first floor and third floor until they are complete and then renovating the second and fourth floor restrooms. There will be work being performed under a separate contract during this renovation in separate areas of the building. The College intends to contract for Classroom Laboratory Building (CLB) Restroom Renovation on the JCCC main campus.




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12345 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS

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