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Published December 15, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a detention facility in Dillwyn, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a detention facility.

SCOPE OF WORK The successful completion of internal repairs of the three coal fired Kewanee hot water boilers at Buckingham Correctional Center Contractor shall furnish all supervision, labor, tools, and construction equipment needed to repair three Kewanee 7L286 coal fired boilers with Detroit Low Stoker, single retort grates. Contractor shall repair damaged furnace refractory in each boiler as needed, and ensure airflow through over fire air piping system. Contractor will test/verify boiler tuyeres are operating normally and confirm proper airflow through the tuyeres. NOTE: Contractor shall provide all confined space entry/monitoring equipment. Contractor shall supply all parts listed in this scope (at a minimum). Scope of Work for Three (3) Boiler Grate Repairs: Boiler No. 1: 1. Plant safety orientation if needed. 2. Tag out and lock out all equipment as directed by plant personnel. 3. Remove all ash, coal from retort, ash pits, etc. by vacuum truck or any means to provide access into furnace area. 4. Remove front doors and access covers for entry into furnace area (Save) 5. Remove and replace (75) active tuyeres, (20) blank tuyeres, and (15) large tuyere fillers. 6. Remove and replace (1) deflector plate. 7. Remove and replace (1) 6" push rod, (1) 3-1/2" pusher block, (1) pusher block, (8) pusher block plates. 8. Remove and replace (1) push rod guide strap. (1) 4-1/2" adjusting block push rod, (1) 4" adjusting block push rod, (2) push rod links. 9. Remove and replace (1) LH and (1) RH retort side plate. 10. Remove damaged refractory and repair refractory. 11. Test run stoker without fuel for two hours to insure proper operation of the grate. 12. Return boiler to working condition. 13. Clean up work area and return to pre-project conditions. Boiler No. 2: 1. Plant safety orientation if needed. 2. Tag out and lock out all equipment as directed by plant personnel. 3. Remove all ash, coal from retort, ash pits, etc. by vacuum truck or any means to provide access into furnace area. 4. Remove front doors and access covers for entry into furnace area (Save) 5. Remove and replace (1) retort bottom. 6. Remove and replace (40) active tuyeres, (12) blank tuyeres, (10) large filler tuyeres, (10) short filler tuyeres. 7. Remove a replace (10) 8" dump plates. 8. Remove and replace (1) 6" push rod, (2) 3-1/2" pusher blocks, (2) pusher blocks. 9. Remove and replace (8) pusher block plates, (1) push rod guide strap, (1) 4-1/2" adjusting push block rod, (1) 4" adjusting push block rod, (2) push rod link, and (1) push rod link rivet. 10. Remove damaged refractory and repair. 11. Test run stoker without fuel for two hours to insure proper operation of the grate. 12. Return boiler to working condition. 13. Clean up work area and return to pre-project conditions. Boiler No. 3: 1. Plant safety orientation if needed. 2. Tag out and lock out all equipment as directed by plant personnel. 3. Remove all ash, coal from retort, ash pits, etc. by vacuum truck or any means to provide access into furnace area. 4. Remove front doors and access covers for entry into furnace area (Save) 5. Remove and replace (75) active tuyeres, (20) blank tuyeres, and (15) large tuyere fillers. 6. Remove and replace (1) rear tuyere pin, (2) 6" tuyere rod, (2) blank tuyere rods. 7. Remove all tags and remove all locks on equipment as directed by plant personnel. 8. Remove damaged refractory and repair. 9. Test run stoker without fuel for two hours to insure proper operation of the grate. 10. Return boiler to working condition. 11. Clean up work area and return to pre-project conditions The undersigned understands that time is of the essence and agrees that the time for Substantial Completion of the entire project shall be 60 consecutive calendar days from the date of commencement of the Work as specified in the Notice to Proceed, and Final Completion shall be achieved within 30 consecutive calendar days after the date of Substantial Completion as determined by the A/E. Project Number: 799-10887-1119


Jails / Prisons


Public - State/Provincial


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December 28, 2021

January 27, 2022


VA-20, Dillwyn, VA

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