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Published December 6, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Amos, Quebec. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference number : 1549933 Electronic submission accepted: Yes, in a single submission document Expected duration of the contract (in months): 18 N umber of contract: 44524871 Contract title: Landscaping Address of the building: 891, 3 e Rue Ouest, Amos (Quebec) 31, 4 e Rue Est, Amos (Quebec) The Societe quebecoise des infrastructures (hereinafter the "Company") is issuing a public call for tenders for technical services for the contract mentioned in the title. Warning : Note that only the documents required by the Company under the terms of this call for tenders must be submitted with the tender, so as to avoid any situation that would result in the tender being restrictive or conditional. IMPORTANT NOTICES Recommendation to submit bids electronically In order to protect the health of its organization's staff, the Company is implementing preventive measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the Company strongly recommends that bidders submit their bid electronically through the electronic tendering system. Authorization to contract / certificate from Revenu Quebec It is strongly suggested that bidders make as soon as possible, according to the requirements of the contractual documents, their request for a certificate from Revenu Quebec and, if applicable, their request for authorization to contract with the Autorite des marches publics, in order to ensure that these requirements are completed before the deadline date and time for receipt of tenders. Non-participation in the call for tenders Any person or company having obtained the contractual documents and which does not submit a tender undertakes to complete the "Non-participation questionnaire" included in the contractual documents and send it to the Company at the address of following email: infosoumissionDIATNQ@sqi.gouv.ca CONTRACT LENGTH The services covered by this call are required for a period of 3 seasons, from 1 st May 2022. SUBMISSION GUARANTEE No tender guarantee is required. Any tenderer must take note that if he refuses to follow up on his tender, the Company may reject any tender submitted by this tenderer to the Company during the next two years. CONDITIONS Only bids submitted by bidders who meet the following condition in particular will be considered : have in Quebec, or in a territory covered by an applicable intergovernmental agreement, an establishment where it carries out its activities on a permanent basis, clearly identified with its name and accessible during normal office hours; VISITING PLACES No site visit is planned. INFORMATION Bidders who wish to receive details concerning the call for tenders must communicate in writing to the e-mail address designated below, taking care to mention the contract number, and this, maximum three working days before the date. and the cut-off time for receipt of bids . If such a request for clarification is received two working days or less before the deadline for receipt of bids, the Company reserves the right not to consider it. Information concerning contractual documents: Direction : Abitibi-Temiscamingue, Nord-du-Quebec (CP) E-mail : infosoumissionDIATNQ@sqi.gouv.qc.ca RESERVE The Societe quebecoise des infrastructures reserves the right to not accept any of the bids received. Bid bond 3% is required. Performance bond 3% is required.


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Multiple Locations, Amos, QC

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