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Published December 8, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to an educational facility in Peoria, Illinois. Completed plans call for the addition of a 5,275-square-foot educational facility; for the demolition of a educational facility; for the renovation of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

Bids shall include labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services for completion of the entire Project under a single fixed-price General Contract, between the Owner and the General Contractor. Failure of bidder to submit an acceptable bid bond, certified check or cashier's check in amount to cover proposals bid upon is cause for rejection of their bid. Bids which are mailed or delivered prior to the bid opening should be placed in a sealed envelope and clearly labeled "Bid FOR PLEASANT VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 62 ELE-MENTARY SCHOOL ADDITION" and should be addressed to Tracy Forck, Superintendent, at the Owner's above listed address. Bids that are received after the stated time will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. Surety on bonds shall be a duly authorized company accept-able to Owner. No bid shall be withdrawn for 60 days after opening of bids without consent of Owner. The Owner reserves the right to waive any irregularities and to accept or reject any or all bids when in the opinion of the Owner, such action will serv-ice the best interest of the Owner. PROJECT: Pleasant Valley School District 62 PART 1 - ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ADDITION 4623 West Redbud Drive Peoria, IL 61604 OWNER: Board of Education Pleasant Valley School District #62. 3314 S. Richwoods Blvd, Peoria, Illinois 61604 ARCHITECT / ENGINEER: Contract Documents have been prepared by: Keach Architectural Design, Inc. 99 Commerce Drive, Morton, IL Mohr and Kerr Engineering & Land Surveying, P.C. 5901 N. Prospect Road, Suite 6B, Peoria, IL RLG Consulting Engineers, P.C. 905 W. Main Street, Suite 200, Peoria, IL Midwest Engineering Professionals, Inc. 607 S. Main Street, Morton, IL Architect's Project Number: 21045 The scope of the Project is defined by the Contract Documents and generally consists of but not limited to a 5,275 SF building addition consisting of 4 classrooms, a set of restrooms, and janitorial storage room. The addition construction is load bearing CMU with conventional steel roof beams and acoustical deck. The roof system is a single ply adhered EPDM roof membrane over polyiso board insulation. Windows are aluminum window systems with alternate bid for aluminum clad wood window. Flooring for both addition and existing building is luxury vinyl tile (LVT), sheet vinyl, and carpet tile. As part of the addition work, the existing building mechanical system is being renovated by replacing the existing packaged vertical unit ventilators, hot water & steam boilers, and radiant heaters with new VAV RTU's, associated duct work, VAV reheat boxes, new hot water piping, and two condensing boilers located in an existing mechanical room. To support this work, existing ceilings shall be demolished and replaced where indicated and various electrical, lighting, and technology systems replaced or reinstalled. RTU's placed on existing roofs will required new structural support beams set into existing construction. A REPRESENTATIVE OF EACH BID-DING FIRM PLANNING TO SUBMIT A PRIME BID SHALL ATTEND THE PRE-BID MEETING AND PLACE THEIR COMPANY'S NAME ON THE OFFI-CIAL ATTENDANCE LOG. Bids submitted, from Firm's whose name does not appear on the Log, shall not be opened. The Architect and the Owner will not respond to questions orally regarding the Project outside of the Pre-Bid Meeting. All requests for clarifications or interpretations outside of the Pre-Bid Meeting shall be made in writing and will be answered by Addendum when appropriate. All correspondence shall be directed to Keach Architec-tural Design, Inc.; 99 Commerce Drive; Morton, IL 61550; (309) 263-4545; (309) 263-5515 Fax; Attention: Lee Gerri-etts. Bids on all work of this contract shall be subject to the pro-visions of the "Illinois Prevailing Wage Act" (Illinois Revised Status, Chapter 48, Section 395S -- 1-12). This project is TAX EXEMPT. A digital PDF set Bidding Document from the Wassi Group are available by registering through the Wassi Group.




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Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work

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December 16, 2021

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4623 W Redbud Dr, Peoria, IL

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