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The City of San Jose, through its Environmental Services Department, is seeking firms (hereinafter "Consultants") to provide a full complement of multidisciplinary engineering, consultant, and professional services for planning, permitting, engineering, design, construction management, and construction engineering supports for the City's biosolids material removal, consolidation, and remediation project. Consultants shall have relevant experience, qualifications, technical capabilities, and an approach that demonstrates their ability to provide the required services. A. The San Jose -Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility (Facility) treats domestic, industrial, and commercial wastewater from the cities of San Jose, Santa Clara, Campbell, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Cupertino, Milpitas, and Saratoga, and unincorporated Santa Clara County. The Facility is located at 700 Los Esteros Road in north San Jose, California, as shown in Attachment D. In total, the existing service area covers roughly 300 square miles and have a service population of approximately 2 million people. Originally constructed in 1956, the Facility treats an average of 110 million gallons per day (mgd) of wastewater, with an existing capacity of 167 mgd of average dry weather influent flow. The Facility provides a tertiary level of treatment, in accordance with state and local discharges treated wastewater to South San Francisco Bay. The City manages the Facility and the surrounding Facility lands, which together total approximately 2,680 acres. About half of this area consists of current and former lagoons and drying beds used for biosolids management (biosolids refers to the solid residuals from the wastewater treatment process), and lands that have provided a buffer between Facility operations and neighboring land uses. Prior to 1971, biosolids from the Facility were deposited into a series of 25 clay-lined lagoons now referred to as the legacy biosolid lagoons, which hold an estimated volume of 750,000 cubic yards of biosolids material (see Attachment -E Legacy Lagoon project area and Cross Section). This biosolids accumulation occurred between 1962 and 1974. No additional biosolids has been placed within the legacy lagoons since 1974. During the period when the legacy lagoons were actively being used, the Facility treated wastewater from industrial activities and discharges that were not yet subject to pretreatment requirements of the 1972 Clean Water Act. Sampling and analysis of the legacy biosolids over the last 30 years has characterized the biosolids materials as potentially hazardous waste under California law due to concentrates of cadmium, lead, and chromium that exceed disposal thresholds (Attachment F Geotechnical Reports). As part of the San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant Environmental Impact Report, adopted on November 19, 2013, the City recognized and approved the remediation of the inactive Legacy Lagoons. Once remediation of the inactive Legacy Lagoons is completed, most of the area would become available for either future operational or capital use. Andrew Hitchcock 200 East Santa Clara Street San Jose, CA 95113-1905 Deadline for Questions and Objections: Written Questions/Clarifications Objections to Specifications/Requirements 01/06/2022 14:00:00 PT Objections to specifications and/or questions must be submitted in writing using Question and Answer utility electronically In August 2019, the Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board) issued Order No. R2-2019 0026 (Order) which mandated the City, as the Administrator of the Facility, to remediate the inactive Legacy Lagoons by November 1, 2023. In addition, the Order (Attachment G Regional Water Board issued Order No. R2-2019-0026) required prioritization of the cleanup and closure of legacy lagoons L-16 to L-19 by January 2021 to meet the timeline and realignment of the adjacent South Bay Shoreline Levee Project. Pursuant to this requirement, Phase 1 of the two-phased Legacy Lagoon project was completed in January 2021 (Attachment G Regional Water Board issued Order No. R2-2019-0026). On September 1, 2020, the Water Board responded to the City's request for extension of the Order; recognizing opportunities to incorporate lessons learned from Phase 1 of the project and the potential scheduling conflicts if Phase 2 of the project proceeded on the original deadline, hence they agreed to allow a new completion date of no later than November 30, 2027. The selected and approved approach was to consolidate and cap the biosolids into a smaller footprint within the project area. It is anticipated that the initial term of the agreement resulting from this solicitation will be six years. During Phase 1, the biosolids material from inactive lagoons L-16 through L-19 was excavated and transported to Lagoons L-9 and L-10 and was consolidated with the temporary cap in accordance with the approved geotechnical recommendations. Vegetation removal and grading was conducted in compliance with adopted measures to mitigate impacts on sensitive and endangered habitat. Geotechnical reports are attached (Attachment F Geotechnical Reports). Phase 2 will include the relocation of the biosolids material from the remaining inactive lagoons to the consolidated area L-9 and L-10. After all the biosolids are transported to the consolidation area, a permanent cap will be installed with a foundation layer, a low conductivity layer, and an erosion resistant layer or other applicable strategies as recommended by the consultant and approved by the Water Board. ESD is seeking qualified Consultants to provide a combination of civil, geological, geotechnical, and environmental services to design Legacy Lagoon Phase 2 and provide construction support for its implementation. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.
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