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Published January 7, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an elderly care / assisted living facility in N Weymouth, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a elderly care / assisted living facility.

The Town of Weymouth as an awarding authority, invites qualified bidders to respond with bids for a floor replacement project. This project will consist of preparation of previously removed wood gym floor down to sub floor to receive new floor, area approximately 2700 sq. ft. Installing moisture mitigation system, pouring a cementitious floor product approximately 2"(+ or - ) and applying a final decorative epoxy floor coating system. The Chief Procurement Officer will make the award of this contract after all bid have been analyzed for accuracy, completeness and checking of references. The Town of Weymouth reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any minor informality in the bids if it appears to be in the Town of Weymouth's best interest. SCOPE OF WORK o The solicitation for bid is for replacement of approximately 2700 Sq. Ft. of auditorium floor along with approximately 130' of cove base. o Evaluate current condition remaining wood backing and cork material along with heavy adhesive residue on existing concrete slab. o Remove all wood, cork, and adhesive residue down to existing concrete slab. o Dispose of all removed materials in appropriate manner. o Grind concrete to a CSP 6-7 to create adequate surface preparation to promote quality bonding. o Core test six locations to establish moisture content in concrete subfloor o Holes are to be drilled to 40% of the depth of the slab. A reading of 70% rh - 80% rh is normally acceptable for coatings, but consult with and adhere to the specific manufacturer's specifications and application directions. o Cut proper keyways at all termination points. Keyways to meet industry standard. Keyways to be field verified. o Install specified moisture mitigation system (Rapid set TX fast primer - or equal) Primer is to be applied to rejection with #40 sand. All applications to follow manufacture directions and specifications. o Install specified floor leveler (Rapid Set LEVELFLOR - or equal.) is to be poured to a thickness of approximately 2" over all areas of subfloor. New pour must properly meet level of floor of adjacent hallway and rooms. o Post leveler installation, allow leveler to hydrate for a minimum of 24 ours. As long as 24 hrs. fall within manufacturers recommendations. o Install 6" decorative flake cove base around the perimeter of the space, (approximately 130') o Prepare floor leveler surface to a 6-7 CSP to promote appropriate bonding of resin. o Install Poly-Crete MD Urethane or equal self-leveling cement to a thickness of 1/4" include a double broadcast of decorative macro flake. Initial broadcast to be sealed with 100% solids epoxy followed by a second broadcast of flake. Seal second broadcast of flake with 100%solids epoxy. o Install final top coat of high-performance polyurethane. o Inspect final conditions for any imperfections and recoat if needed until no imperfections are identifiable.

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Elderly Care / Assisted Living


Public - City


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January 7, 2022


182 Green St, N Weymouth, MA

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