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Published January 20, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

New construction of a fire / police facility in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the construction of a fire / police facility.

Bloomington Firestation #4 Building Demolition and Earthwork Question Deadline: Thu Jan 6, 2022 5:00 PM (CST) 11210120 This Project Manual with Bidding Requirements, General Requirements, and Technical Specifications along with the accompanying Drawings and all issued Addenda are intended to describe and illustrate all work; including labor, materials and equipment; necessary to complete this project. Coordination with Terra Construction and all other Trade Contractors on site will be required. Terra Construction, by separate contracts will bid the Work as shown on the Drawings and indicated in the Technical Specifications. Bid bonds must be received within three business days of the published bid opening date. Bid Bonds received after the time will be returned unopened without being considered for award. Each bid bond submitted must be clearly identified on the outside of the sealed opaque envelope as Fire Station #4 Bid Category 31A - Building Demolition & Earthwork I enclose a Bid Bond, certified check or cashiers check, in the amount of five percent (5%) of the maximum Bid, payable to City of Bloomington, MN I agree to hold this Bid open for a period of sixty (60) Calendar Days after the Bid opening. If this Bid is accepted within that period, I agree to execute a Contract with the City of Bloomington and to furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond in the full amount of the Contract If the Contractor fails to meet delivery deadlines or fails to supply in accordance with the Specification for any reason except delay caused by Force Majeure, the City has the right to purchase those items on the open market, or those items necessary to continue functioning until delivery from the Contractor is complete, and to deduct as damages from any monies due or coming due to the Contractor the difference between the Contractors Bid price and the higher price or the cost of temporary items paid for by the City on the open market and any additional costs that the City may incur. Any monies deducted are not a penalty, but are damages to compensate for the additional cost incurred by the City. These rights and remedies, and any other set forth in this document or any other Bid Document, are in addition to and not a limitation of any rights and remedies otherwise available under the order, law or equity It is the intent of the City to award a Contract to the lowest responsible Bidder meeting the Specifications, provided the Bid has been submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Bid Documents. If the City determines it is in its best interests, the City may Reject any or all Bids; Re-advertise for new Bids; Reject Bid submission without the required Bid security; Reject Bids which are incomplete or irregular in any way; Waive any minor defects or technicalities in any Bid or Bids received; Accept the Bid or Bids from the lowest responsible Bidder meeting Specifications. The City shall reject all Bids from Bidders where there is evidence of collusion. Submittal of more than one Bid from an individual, firm, partnership or corporation under the same or different names will not be considered. Evidence that any Bidder has interest in more than one Bid for the same Work will cause rejection of all such Bids

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Fire / Police


Public - City

New Construction

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January 13, 2022

January 31, 2022


4201 W 84th St, Minneapolis, MN

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