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Published January 24, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a municipal facility in Sultan, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

Provide all labor, material, equipment, and permits to construct three banks of concrete raceways and recirculation headboxes at the Department's Wallace River Hatchery, located at 14418 383rd Ave SE, Sultan, 98294, Washington, in Snohomish County Questions should be directed to CAMP.Bids@dfw.wa.gov. Base bids greater than $150,000; Contractor shall provide separate Payment and Performance Bonds, each executed by Contractor and Contractor's Surety. Base bids $150,000 or less, Contractor shall provide separate Payment and Performance Bonds, each executed by Contractor and Contractor's Surety, unless the Contractor agrees Owner may, in lieu of the bond(s), retain 10 percent of the Contract Sum for the period allowed by RCW 39.08.010. For bids of $35,000 or less, no bid guarantee is required. Bids greater than $35,000 shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond payable to the Treasurer of the State of Washington in an amount equal to at least five-percent of the bid as evidence of good faith and as a guarantee that, if awarded the Contract, the bidder will execute the Contract and give separate bond as required, see Section 00702.06. Engineer's Estimate: $8,242,000 Substantial Completion shall be achieved by January 6, 2023. Final Completion shall be achieved by January 25, 2023 The scope of this project includes the demolition of the existing asphalt lined rearing channels and replacing them with concrete raceways with accompanying recirculation pump stations equipment. Predation netting structures and fencing will surround the raceways. Most of the work area will be paved and graded to improve stormwater drainage and management. A stormwater retention swale and compost amended vegetated filters strips will be constructed to provide stormwater treatment. A portion of an existing asphalt lined channel will be converted into a pollution abatement pond. Bid Item 1 - Mobilization, Demobilization, Erosion Control, Demolition, and Incidentals: Mobilize onto site and install and maintain erosion control BMPs in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. Include demolition work in this bid item. Clean up any construction debris prior to demobilizing off site. Any scope of work not specifically covered by the following bid items will be included here. Bid Item 2 - 20'x120' Raceways, Washdown Station, and Drain Channel Modifications: Construct two banks of four 20'x120' concrete raceways. These include accompanying supply, drain, fish transfer, recirculation, and venturi system piping. Include the entirety of the main supply and drain pipes in this bid item. Construct one washdown pump station complete with piping to all raceways. Modify the existing drain channel to connect the water supply distribution box to the drain system and adult pond pump station. Bid Item 3 - 40'x120' Raceways: Construct one bank of two 40'x120' concrete raceways. These include accompanying supply, drain, fish transfer, and recirculation piping. Install a drum filter in each pond supported on steel support structures with access walkways. Bid Item 4 - Site Improvements: Grade and pave the site with asphalt, construct stormwater treatment strips, and construct the bioretention stormwater swale. Include haul and disposal of excess spoils Bid Item 5 - Bird Predation Structures: Install bird predation netting support structures. The bird predation netting installation will be performed by others. Bid Item 6 - Predator Isolation Fencing: Install a chain link fence with vehicle access gates around the raceways. The top portion of the fencing will include sheet metal fastened to the fencing as a means of excluding predators. Bid Item 7 - Recirculation Pump Stations: Install three concrete recirculation pump stations, each with three pumps and a drum filter. The stations will have access grating and bollards for protection. Include in this bid item electrical appurtenances that are necessary specifically to these recirculation pump stations. Bid Item 8 - CO2 Strippers, Low Head Oxygenators, and Oxygen Supply: Install CO2 strippers at the supply end of the raceways complete with blowers and media. Connect low head supply system for each bank of raceways with liquid oxygen tanks installed on concrete pads. Bid Item 9 - Site Electrical: Install all conduit, wiring, and associated appurtenances to form a complete and operational electrical system. Bid Item 10 - Pollution Abatement Pond: Construct a pollution abatement (PA) pond using excess spoils and HDPE liner to form a dike in the eastern asphalt rearing channel (Channel 3). This includes the installation of the lift station, all piping to and from the PA pond, the PA pond drain boxes, and any other work needed to provide an operational PA pond.

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Public - State/Provincial

Renovation, Site Work

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14418 383rd Ave SE, Sultan, WA

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