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Published December 10, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Franklin, New Hampshire. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Please direct any questions regarding this bid to Ryan Godin: e-mail Ryan.M.Godin1@DAS.NH.GOV Vendor attests to the fact that: 1. The Vendor has reviewed and agreed to be bound by the Bid. 2. The Vendor has not altered any of the language or other provisions contained in the Bid document. 3. The Bid is effective for a period of 180 days from the Bid Closing date as indicated above. 4. The prices Vendor has quoted in the Bid were established without collusion with other vendors. 5. The Vendor has read and fully understands this Bid. 6. Further, in accordance with RSA 21-I:11-c, the undersigned Vendor certifies that neither the Vendor nor any of its subsidiaries, affiliates or principal officers (principal officers refers to individuals with management responsibility for the entity or association): a. Has, within the past 2 years, been convicted of, or pleaded guilty to, a violation of RSA 356:2, RSA 356:4, or any state or federal law or county or municipal ordinance prohibiting specified bidding practices, or involving antitrust violations, which has not been annulled; b. Has been prohibited, either permanently or temporarily, from participating in any public works project pursuant to RSA 638:20; c. Has previously provided false, deceptive, or fraudulent information on a vendor code number application form, or any other document submitted to the state of New Hampshire, which information was not corrected as of the time of the filing a bid, proposal, or quotation; d. Is currently debarred from performing work on any project of the federal government or the government of any state; e. Has, within the past 2 years, failed to cure a default on any contract with the federal government or the government of any state; f. Is presently subject to any order of the department of labor, the department of employment security, or any other state department, agency, board, or commission, finding that the applicant is not in compliance with the requirements of the laws or rules that the department, agency, board, or commission is charged with implementing; g. Is presently subject to any sanction or penalty finally issued by the department of labor, the department of employment security, or any other state department, agency, board, or commission, which sanction or penalty has not been fully discharged or fulfilled; h. Is currently serving a sentence or is subject to a continuing or unfulfilled penalty for any crime or violation noted in this section; i. Has failed or neglected to advise the division of any conviction, plea of guilty, or finding relative to any crime or violation noted in this section, or of any debarment, within 30 days of such conviction, plea, finding, or debarment; or j. Has been placed on the debarred parties list described in RSA 21-I:11-c within the past year.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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13 Range Rd, Franklin, NH

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