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Published December 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a museum in Saint Marys City, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a museum.

If you have any questions regarding use of the website, or if you have any questions or problems regarding submission of your bid, contact the eMMA by email to: emma.helpdesk@maryland.gov This project solicitation is being performed using the State's website(eMMA) on-line electronic bidding program. Bids for this project will be accepted solely through the use of eMMA. To register for eMMA, all interested parties should contact at website. The Project Cost Classification for this solicitation is: Small Procurement Category III, under $100,000 Minority Business Enterprises are encouraged to respond to this Solicitation. Procurement Source Selection: Competitive Sealed Bids under COMAR 21.05.02 (Contract shall be awarded to the Responsive and Responsible Bidder who submits the Lowest Bid Price) NOTE: Bidders should NOT provide any comments in the comments box for each line item. If comments are provided, the bid will be determined to be non-responsive and that firm's bid will be rejected. Questions or comments should be submitted to the Project Manager prior to the bid opening. TIME FOR BID ACCEPTANCE: Bid prices are irrevocable for a period of 120 days following bid opening. After opening bids, the Procurement Officer may request bidders to extend the time during which the State may accept their bids, provided that, with regard to bids, no other change is permitted. The following bonds are required if the Contract Amount, including Unit Prices, Allowances and Alternates as applicable, is in excess of $100,000.00. FORMS AND ATTACHMENTS: For this solicitation, the following forms must be submitted with the bid: 1) Bid Proposal Affidavit -- in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders for Construction Projects, Item 2.B.(6) (2) SBR Contract Affidavit ALL forms required to be submitted prior to the deadline for receipt of bids must be received by the Department of General Services prior to the deadline for receipt of bids stated in this Solicitation Fact Sheet, or as may be amended. COMPLETION TIME AND LIQUATED DAMAGES: The work shall be completed within 120_ calendar days from the start date of the contract. If the work is not completed within the time period specified, the contractor will be liable for liquated damages of $250.00 per calendar day as specified in the "General Conditions". QUESTIONS DEADLINE: The deadline for questions has been established as 12/10/2021_ at _2:00 PM, to assure that there is enough time to allow the A/E to provide responses and Addendum issuance if necessary. Please submit all questions to the Procurement Officer: Keon Pompey - keon.pompey@maryland.gov and Supervisor Christine Stenhouse - christine.stenhouse1@maryland.gov.

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December 17, 2021

January 17, 2022


47645 Margeret Brent Way, Saint Marys City, MD

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