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Published January 28, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Renovation of a mixed-use development in N Wildwood, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.
The project consists of the HVAC Renovations to the Wildwood High School / Middle School for the Wildwood City School District, Board of Education, Cape May County, New Jersey. The work consists of but is not limited to the following: 1. Provide and install new rooftop equipment rail supports and all associated work, as indicated on the drawings. 2. Provide and install new pipe curb and all associated work, as indicated on the drawings. 3. Provide and install new metal roof deck and supplemental structural steel at roof infill(s) and all associated work, as indicated on the drawings. 4. Provide and install widened interior masonry door openings, new hollow metal door frames, wood doors, hardware and all associated work, as indicated on the drawings. 5. Provide and install new suspended acoustical tile ceiling at indicated rooms and all associated work, as indicated on the drawings. 6. Provide and install roofing repair work at the existing warrantied roofs and all associated work, as indicated on the drawings. 7. Provide and install new VCT tile to match the existing and all associated work, as indicated on the drawings. 8. Provide and install plaster repair work and all associated work, as indicated on the drawings. 9. Provide and install new insulated metal panels in existing aluminum window system where existing work is being removed and all associated work, as indicated on the drawings. 10. Provide and install building wide HVAC renovations including new boiler, converting steam piping to hot water piping and replacing roof top units and interior room terminal units. 11. Replace all Classroom unit ventilators, adding new air distribution duct work and new outside air louvers and all associated work, as indicated on the drawings 12. Replace HVAC units in all offices and other ancillary speces, as indicated on the drawings. 13. Replace all existing rooftop HV units with HVAC (Cafeteria, Auditorium, Library, BOE Offices, etc.) as indicated on the drawings. 14. Provide and install new rooftop HVAC units at the existing Gym, Locker Rooms and Weight Room and all associated work, as indicated on the drawings. 15. All other plumbing, mechanical and electrical system work. 16. All other indicated work. Wildwood City School District Board of Education will receive bids for HVAC Renovations to Wildwood High School/Middle School, together with all work incidental thereto, in accordance with the requirements of the drawings and specifications prepared by Fraytak Veisz Hopkins Duthie, P.C. (FVHD), Architects-Planners, FVHD Project #5342. Bids will be received for: Single Overall Contract (C032 with C009, C047, C068). Due to COVID-19 virus and New Jersey Executive Orders EO107 and LFN2020-10, Contractors are required to provide their own face masks/personal protection equipment, practice social distancing and hand washing at all times and assume all risks associated with their presence on District premises. Wearing a face mask is required at all times. Construction on this project shall proceed in accordance with Executive Orders 122 and 142. Bid Documents for the proposed Work are on file at the office of the Architect, FVHD, 1515 Lower Ferry Road, Trenton, NJ 08618, and may be obtained by prospective bidders electronically via direct download (pdf format), electronic file on disc, or printed paper set. If contractor requests shipping, a direct shipping account number must be provided to the Architect and for paper sets, a separate non-refundable handling fee of $25 per set payable in advance. Bidders should only rely on original digital and paper versions of the bidding contract documents obtained directly from the Architect's office. Any bidder should contact the Architect's office at (609) 883-7101 to confirm availability of documents. All requests for information (RFI) must be submitted by December 29, 2021, and sent via facsimile at (609) 883-2694 or via common carrier to the Architect with the Architect Project Name and Project Number referenced. RFI request submitted to the Architect via E-mail will not be accepted or responded to. Bid Proposal shall be submitted in duplicate (one original and one copy) in a sealed envelope, addressed to the Owner, bearing the name and address of the bidder, and clearly marked "BID" with the contract title and/or bid number on the outside of the envelope and must be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier's Check or Bid Bond drawn to the order of the Owner in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid, but in no case in excess of $20,000; and must be delivered to the above place on or before the hour named. The Board of Education and the Architect assume no responsibility for bids mailed or misdirected in delivery. If the bid exceeds $20,000 bidder must be pre-qualified by the New Jersey Division of Property Management and Construction (DPMC), prior to the date that bids are received. Any bid submitted under the terms of New Jersey statutes not including a copy of a valid and active Pre-qualification/ Classification Certificate shall be rejected as being non-responsive to bid requirements. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-25, each proposal shall be accompanied by a Proposition of Surety from a Surety Company stating it will provide each bidder with separate Performance and Payment Bonds, each in the amount of 100% of the contract sum. Also, Surety agrees to furnish bidder with a Maintenance Bond in required form. The Proposition of Surety shall be executed by an approved surety company authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 2A:44-143, and 2A:44-144 and with the three highest rating categories of rating companies nationally recognized. This project is subject to the New Jersey State Prevailing Wage Act, N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.27 et seq. Pursuant to "The Public Works Contractor Registration Act", N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.48 et seq., bidders and their subcontractors are required to be registered with the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development and to possess a current certificate by said Department indicating compliance with the Act prior to the time and date that bids are received. All bidders must comply with N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq., N.J.A.C. 17:27 et seq. and N.J.S.A. 10:2-1. An Initial Project Workforce Report will be required from the successful bidder (Form AA-201). No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening thereof. The right is reserved to reject all bids pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-22 and to waive minor informalities in the bidding in accordance with applicable law. TIME OF COMPLETION 1. Milestone No. 1 a. Sign Contract, no later than twenty (20) calendar days, Sundays and Holiday's excepted, from Notice of Award; on or about January 20, 2022. b. Contractor submits Bonds and Insurance ten (10) calendar days from Notice of Award, Sundays and holidays excepted. c. Notice to Proceed shall be within three (3) business days of date of signing Contract; on or about February 16, 2022. 2. Milestone No. 2 a. Time Critical submittals for special equipment, fixtures, etc. shall be submitted within twenty (20) calendar days from Notice to Proceed. 3. Milestone No. 3 a. Submission of all remaining technical shop drawing submittals shall be submitted within forty-five (45) calendar days from Notice to Proceed. 4. Milestone No. 4 a. Start of initial demolition work by the Mechanical Contractor to commence on or about June 17, 2022 and continue through June 24, 2022. 5. Milestone No. 5: a. Hazardous material abatement work, by the Owner's Hazardous Material Abatement Contractor, on or about June 27, 2022 through July 15, 2022. 6. Milestone No. 6: a. Physical work, after abatement work completion, shall commence on or about July 18, 2022. 7. Milestone No. 7: a. Substantial Completion of the entire project shall be on or before 197 Calendar Days from the Notice to Proceed, August 31, 2022. b. Liquidated Damages - $500.00 / Calendar day of delay. 8. Milestone No. 8: a. Final Completion of all Work including punch list items and closeout documents, no later than 31Calendar Days from Substantial Completion, September 30, 2022. b. Liquidated Damages - $500.00 / Calendar day of delay.
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January 13, 2022
February 16, 2022
4300 Pacific Ave, N Wildwood, NJ
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