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Published December 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Saginaw, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

Bond Bid(5%) The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality in the bidding and to reject any or all bids. Note- All Residential Rehabilitation work must comply with all applicable codes and acceptable standards of workmanship. Individual job specifications, hearer notes, or specific material or methodology instructions shall take precedence. The City reserves the right to alter specifications to fit particular situations. If a paint Risk Assessment 8c Inspection was required, refer to it for lead work. Structural- 1) Exterior Doors- Replace two entry doors with solid core steel exterior doors. Include all hardware and deadbolt. 2) Windows -Remove existing windows and dispose. Install new low E Thermal Pain Windows to match existing openings. 3) Siding- Remove existing siding and dispose. Install house wrap or fan fold backer board. Install new vinyl siding and all necessary trim pieces. 4) Gutters- Remove existing gutters and dispose. Replace any damaged fascia/sub fascia. Install new aluminum gutter system with downspouts and extensions. 5) Interior Doors- remove Kitchen, living room, hallway, and bedroom closet doors and replace with new. Include Hardware and any required trim. 6) Kitchen- Remove existing kitchen cabinets and counter top. Replace with new to match the existing footprint. Install new sink and faucet. Include any necessary plumbing. Install new vinyl floor and any required trim and transition pieces. (Include approx. 3x3-entrance landing). RP&P ceiling and walls. Install railing system for basementstairs. 7) Bathroom- Install new three-piece tub surround. Use existing plumbing fixtures. Inspect and properly install existing toilet, vanity, and sink. Install ceiling fan and properly vent outside. Repair patch and paint ceiling and walls. ELECTRICAL 8) Electrical- Clean up existing panel and wiring to existing code. Replace any faulty receptacles, switches and fixture throughout entire house and basement. Ensure proper grounding. Include battery powered smoke detectors throughout. MECHANICAL 9) Furnace- Remove existing furnace and dispose. Install new 90+ forced air furnace to existing ductwork. Include any additional ductwork as needed 10)Water Heater- Remove existing water heater and replace with new 40-gallon water heater and venting. Include gas shut offvalve for gas dryer and stove.

Bid Results

Residential Subdivision


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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3327 Glenwood Ave, Saginaw, MI

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