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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Salisbury, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Rowan County is requesting proposals for Door Access Control services for just under 140 doors at 25 locations. All proposals submitted for services must meet or exceed the time frame and the product/service specifications as outlined in this Request for Proposals (RFP). Submission of any proposal signifies the Contractor's agreement that their proposal and the content thereof, are valid for ninety (90) calendar days following the submission deadline and will become part of the contract that is negotiated between Rowan County and the successful Contractor. All prices submitted with the proposal shall remain in effect for the ninety (90) day period. Rowan County will require proof of coverage as outlined in the requirements be submitted with all proposals. Awarded vendor will be required to list Rowan County as an additional insured on coverage. Once the RFP is public all questions related to the RFP shall be directed to the Purchasing Director. Any contact related to the RFP with County Staff and/or Board of Commissioners will be prohibited and cause for rejection. Rowan County reserves the right to award and/or reject any and/or all proposals and waive any technicalities or irregularities. For complete details, consult the proposal package. The package shall be sealed and plainly marked "RFP 2022-021 Door Access Control". Contractors must submit one original sealed proposal and one copy on USB of their proposal. No responsibility shall be attached to Rowan County (the County) for the premature opening of any proposal not properly addressed or identified. Questions about the specifications and or proposal documents should be addressed to Anna Bumgarner the Rowan County Purchasing Director. A company representative highly encouraged to be present at this meeting in order to offer a proposal on the project. Companies should be prepared to tour some of the buildings after that pre-proposal meeting. This tour will take the majority of the afternoon following the pre-proposal meeting. We will make every effort to make the tours as thorough, yet as quickly as possible. The County will not be bound by or be responsible for any interpretations or conclusions drawn from this RFP. All questions or requests for clarification or additional information must be submitted in writing no later than 5:00 pm on Monday, December 20, 2021. These written questions or requests must be submitted to Anna Bumgarner, Purchasing Director, by mail or e-mail. Any questions the County feels are pertinent to all interested contractors will be delivered to all participating contractors as addenda to this RFP. All addenda will be posted on the County portal and it is the responsibility of the Contractor to check for any addenda. All addenda will be posted by 5pm Tuesday, December 27, 2021.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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