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Published April 5, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a bridge / tunnel in Saint-Didace, Quebec. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel.

Reference number : 1551329 Deadline for receipt of complaints: 2022-01-05 Electronic submission accepted: Yes, in a single submission document Expected duration of the contract (in months): 7 Contract following qualification in complex structures according to the lists in effect at the submission of the tender for the reconstruction of the P-04314 bridge located over the Blanche River on route 348 in the municipality of Saint-Didace, MRC of D'Autray, electoral district of Berthier. The estimated contract amount 1 is between $ 1,000,000 and $ 4,999,999.99 . Only tenders presented by qualified contractors in complex structures according to the lists in effect at the time of submission of the tender or by a joint venture, one of the constituent parts of which is qualified, and who hold the required license in accordance with the Building Act will be considered. (LRQ, cB-1.1). LIMITATIONS The successful contractor for the construction work contract and its affiliates will be ineligible for any subsequent call for tenders for the award of soil and materials monitoring and engineering contracts relating in whole or in part to the project concerned. The Contractor and its affiliates may not act as sub-contractors, direct or otherwise, of companies with which the Minister will enter into contracts for the monitoring and engineering of soils and materials relating in whole or in part to the project concerned. In the case of a construction works contract awarded to a group of companies, these limitations also apply to each of the constituent parties and their respective affiliates. Insofar ù overall project is divided into different sectors, blocks, phases, rings, etc., each of these areas is considered a separate project aimed for the purposes of this limitation clause and clauses eligibility in the Instructions to Contractors. This contract cannot be awarded to a joint venture, unless one of the constituent parties is qualified. In this case, the qualified constituent company must provide, at the latest when signing the contract, a declaration certifying that the latter will carry out the structural part for the construction of bridges considered complex. This contract cannot be awarded to a contractor unless the latter provides, at the time of signing the contract at the latest, an ISO registration certificate in accordance with the ISO quality management system standard (or a certificate of certification), issued by a registrar accredited by the Standards Council of Canada or by an accreditation body recognized by it. SUBMISSION GUARANTEE REQUIRED - 10% of the amount of the tender (bond) OR - 5% of the amount of the tender (certified or certified check, money order, draft or irrevocable letter of guarantee) For more information, contact the tender reception desk at: 418-644-8848. The Ministère does not undertake to accept any of the bids received, in particular when it judges that the prices are too high or disproportionate or do not reflect a fair price. Performance bond and materials and services of each corresponding 50% is required. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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February 9, 2022

April 7, 2022


QC-348, Saint-Didace, QC

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RFP Contractor - Contract Following Qualification in Complex Structures Reconstruction of the P-04314 Bridge Over the Blanche River on Route 348 (Saint-Didace)

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