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Published March 11, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Goshen, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a educational facility.

The work to be included under this contract shall consist of the furnishing of all materials, equipment, service, and labor necessary for and/or reasonably incidental to the construction and completion of the Fairfield Jr./Sr. High School 2022 Site Improvements. Selective demolition work requiring removal and offsite disposal shall generally include, but not be limited to, the following kinds of existing building elements: 1. Concrete stoops, sidewalks, and curbs 2. Asphalt paving 3. Other items required to accomplish renovation or additions Cutting, Patching, and Repair Site Clearing: For site demolition, Compaction, Trenches, Backfill &Fill, and Soils & Materials for filling in of voids. ALTERNATE #A1: State the amount to be ADDED to the Base Bid to: At the existing baseball field, demolish existing items as shown on C203, backfill foundation removal, replace infield material with topsoil, level the surface in demolition areas with topsoil, and restore disturbed areas as general lawn. Existing buried power, communication, and irrigation lines shall be disconnected and abandoned. Surface elevations will not be changed. This Alternate Bid is intended to remove the existing baseball field while minimizing lawn disturbance / restoration. ALTERNATE #A2: State the amount to be ADDED to the Base Bid to: At the existing baseball field, demolish existing items, install field irrigation system, complete site grading, and restore the area with sports field seeding. This Alternate Bid is intended to complete the full scope of work shown on all Civil Drawings in the existing baseball field area. ALTERNATE #B1: State the amount to be ADDED to the Base Bid to: At the existing tennis courts, demolish existing items, complete site grading, and restore the area as general lawn ALTERNATE #C1: State the amount to be ADDED to the Base Bid to: At the south side of the proposed bus/band parking lot, add decorative lights to the base bid light poles ALTERNATE #C3: State the amount to be ADDED to the Base Bid to: Remove existing softball field lighting (4 poles) and install with new wiring and pole bases at locations shown on Drawings for Practice Football Field #1. Note: Base Bid shall include removing the (4) existing softball field light poles and returning them to the owner. Should a successful bidder withdraw its bid, or fail to execute a satisfactory Contract, Fairfield Community Schools may then declare the bid deposit or bid bond to be forfeited as liquidated damages. Each successful bidder shall be required to furnish an approved Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond which cover faithful performance of the contract and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder. A Maintenance Bond shall also be required. Said bonds shall remain in full force and effect for twelve months from the substantial completion of the Work. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder complying with the conditions for bidding, provided the bid is reasonable and it is to the best interest of the Owner to accept it. The Owner reserves the right to reject the bid of any or all bidder in accordance with Indiana Code 36-1-12. Bids not reaching said office by 10:00 a.m. (local time), on February 1, 2022 will not be opened and will be returned unopened to the original bidder. a. Construction starts - April 4, 2022 b. Final Completion of Project including baseball October, 2023




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67530 US-33, Goshen, IN

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