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Saving Project...

Published January 28, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Young Harris, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The project consists of furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, etc. for the resurfacing and paving of approximately 5,217 linear feet of High Street, Sunset Drive West and Sunset Drive East to a width of 10 feet. The work specifically includes regrading ditches as necessary, repairing and resurfacing that portion of the roads with existing paved surfaces, and grading, preparing the base and paving that portion of the roads that are currently gravel only. No striping is included. o The roadbeds for High Street (orange area on Exhibit A), Sunset Drive East (yellow area on Exhibit A) and Sunset Drive West (pink area on Exhibit A) are paved in certain sections, and gravel only in other sections. All roadbed (totalling approximately 5,217 linear feet) will be either resurfaced or paved to a width of 10 feet. o The paved areas are in bad condition and will require grading of ditches in spots, filling of potholes in spots, and repair to the base and sub-base in spots. o Paving standard: Heavy Duty Paving Spec: 8" GAB, 2" Superpave 19mm Binder, 2" Superpave 9.5mm Level B. o Roadbed to be resurfaced shall be resurfaced with 1 1/4 " asphalt. o Roadbeds that are currently gravel will require scraping and filing prior to paving. o Roadbeds to be paved shall be paved with 2" asphalt. o The work specifically includes regrading ditches as necessary, repairing and resurfacing that portion of the roads with existing paved surfaces, and grading, preparing the base and paving that portion of the roads that are currently gravel only. o The City is not obtaining any additional temporary or permanent easements or rights-of-way for this Project. All work will be required to be completed within existing right-of-way. o The City will work with the Contractor to locate any existing water and sewer service lines, if any. The Contractor will be responsible for coordination with all other utility companies concerning utility conflicts (potentially including Blue Ridge EMC, Windstream & BalsamWest Fibernet), if any. o The Contractor will be responsible for including all cost associated with grading and paving, including all materials and labor, and installation and maintenance of all erosion control measures, if required. o The City will be responsible for obtaining any necessary permits from the County/State, if any. o The City will work with the Contractor to provide a temporary lay-down area during construction, as well as a temporary roadway access for those living in the area during construction.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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January 28, 2022

February 28, 2022


Multiple Locations, Young Harris, GA

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