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Published December 18, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

TransGas is seeking interested parties to prequalify as interested respondents for a potential MOOSE JAW SUPPLY NPS 16 PIPELINE PROJECT Request for Proposal. Note: Even where not specifically stated, all responses and references are to be in relation to the entity seeking to be prequalified. Proponent (company that is potentially awarded a contract) must have previous experience self-performing steel transmission pipeline construction as a core service the proponent provides and must self-perform the core service of this work as the Prime Contractor. Proponents must provide details confirming previous experience constructing steel transmission pipeline construction similar to this project in the past 5 years in Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia or Manitoba. Minimum pre-qualification for this project shall be based on recent experience (within the last 5 calendar years) 15km or longer NPS 12 and larger steel transmission pipeline projects completed by your Firm for which you were the prime contractor in SK, AB, BC or MB with a proven project average production of 800m per day for mainline activities. TransGas will only accept proposals from Proponents who are New West Partnership Trade Agreement (NWPTA) region suppliers that meet, at minimum, one of the following criteria: (a) a person resident in the NWPTA region; (b) a business that is constituted, established, or organized under the laws of British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba or Saskatchewan; or (c) a business that both maintains a location and employs staff within the NWPTA region. The "Project" includes the construction and installation of approximately 30,000 meters of an NPS 16 steel pipeline between the Belle Plaine Compressor Station located within SW 23-17-24 W3M and the Moose Jaw Industrial Park located at SE 27-16-26 W2M. The majority of the route will be installed within a new 50-meter Right of Way (RoW) with a portion being installed in a 30-meter Right of Way (RoW) and traverses primarily cultivated agricultural lands. The Project will include 4 Major Horizontal Directional Drills including Highway 1, CP Railway and Highway 39, and 2 additional CP Railways. There will also be approximately 600 meters of NPS 16 HP pipeline connecting the Custody Transfer Riser to the SaskPower station. Note all facilities will be fabricated and installed by others. Tie-ins to these facilities will be performed by the Contractor. Estimated Start date for this project is June 13, 2022.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Multiple Locations, Moose Jaw, SK

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