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Published February 4, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Rensselaer, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and playground / park / athletic field.

The project will be constructed under a Single Prime Contract with bids received on a lump sum basis. Each proposal shall include all labor, material, and services necessary to complete the projects in strict accordance with the Construction Drawings and Project Manual. Prime bidders and their subcontractors must be certified and in compliance with the Indiana General Assembly's House Enrollment Act #1019. Bid Security shall be in the amount of not less than 5% of the total base bid price. Should a successful Bidder withdraw their Bid, fail to provide the required payment and performance bonds, or execute the contract, the Owner may then declare the Bid security forfeited as liquidated damages. A contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, complying with the conditions of the Instructions to Bidders and Advertisements for Public Bids. The Owner, however, reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and waive any informalities, discrepancies, omissions, variances, or irregularities in bids received in its sole discretion. If a contract is awarded, it will be to the "lowest responsible and responsive bidder" in accordance with Indiana's Public Work Projects Act, Indiana Code 36-1-12. The bidder agrees to hold open its bid for a minimum of sixty (60) days from the date of the bid opening Questions, or requests for equal status, pertaining to the Project shall be directed, in writing, to the design professionals listed below: Marc Ancel or Fred Prazeau CONTEXT, LLC 5825 Lawton Loop East Drive Indianapolis, IN 46216 317-485-6900 mancel@context-design.com fprazeau@context-design.com The successful bidder shall, upon acceptance of his bid, be required to procure and pay for a 100% Performance Bond/Labor and Material Payment Bond in the amount equal to the contract price, and such bond shall comply with all laws of the State of Indiana governing public contracts let by governmental units. PN - 21IN0492, 21-068




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1106 E Grace St, Rensselaer, IN

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