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Published January 20, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a water / sewer project in El Paso, Texas. Completed plans call for the construction of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

The work under this contract shall be for furnishing all labor, materials, transportation, and services for the construction and installation of the following work: This Request For Proposals (RFP) for the Roberto R. Bustamante Wastewater Treatment Plant Digesters 1, 2 and 3 Covers and Mixers Rehabilitation ((Project) invites Proposals according to the requirements set forth in this RFP, including the format and content guidelines in Section 5. The Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated using a best-value selection process described in Section 6. At completion of the evaluation process, El Paso Water (EPWater) (Owner) will select a Proposer for award and enter into negotiations of the CMAR Contract. Work is described in general, non-inclusive terms as: 1. Demolition of the existing digester covers and gas mixing system. 2. Demolition of related cover appurtenances including rollers, guides and railing. 3. Salvage recently replaced pressure and vacuum relief valve assemblies. 4. Demolition of internal sludge piping. 5. Provide and install three new digester covers and linear motion mixers, including related control systems. 6. Provide and install related cover appurtenances including rollers and guides, temperature probes, and safety railing. 7. Install pressure and vacuum relief valve assemblies. 8. All appurtenant work. 1. Provide the materials, equipment, and incidentals required to make the Project completely and fully operable. 2. Provide the labor, equipment, tools, and consumable supplies required for a complete Project. 3. Provide the civil, architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, and all other Work required for a complete and operable Project. 4. Test and place the completed Project in operation. 5. Provide the special tools, spare parts, lubricants, supplies, or other materials as indicated in the Contract Documents for the operation and maintenance of the Project. 6. The Contract Documents do not indicate or describe all Work required to complete the Project. Additional details required for the correct installation of selected products are to be provided by the Contractor and coordinated with the Construction Manager. Certified receipts shall be provided as part of the bid unless the goal has been reached as evidenced by draft subcontracts included with the bid or other evidence the goal has been attained. The Utility's minimum goals for this project are: 25% for Small Locally-Owned Businesses, 10% for Minority-Owned Businesses, and 7% for Women-Owned Businesses. Each Bid shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount of five percent of the bid amount. Provide two sets of bid proposals with the Bid Price Sheet and the Bid Bond Sheet tabbed. Must be subscribed to the preferred Bid section (Professional Services/Non-Construction/Construction) in order to receive information pertaining to the bid. The bid will be awarded by the Public Service Board (PSB) at their regularly scheduled monthly meeting. For additional information, contact the Purchasing Department at (915) 594-5628.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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