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Published March 20, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and new construction of a bridge / tunnel in Salisbury, Maryland. Completed plans call for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

**As of February 23, 2024, this project has not yet been awarded, start date is sometime around Spring.** Wicomico County is seeking bids from Qualified Vendors to contract for the replacement of a new pre-fab pedestrian bridge at Leonard's Mill Park, in conformity with the requirements contained herein Bid Documents. Question Deadline 02/13/2024 Questions must be addressed in writing to Wicomico County Purchasing at purchasing@wicomicocounty.org. The last date to submit questions for clarification will be noon on Tuesday. The County is seeking bids from qualified Vendors for the installation of a new pre-fab pedestrian bridge at Leonard's Mill Park, Leonard's Mill Dr, Salisbury, MD 21801 in accordance with the terms and conditions and specifications set forth in this solicitation. Wicomico County Recreation and Parks is looking to receive quotes for the installation of a new pre-fab pedestrian bridge at Leonard's Mill Park, 2848 Leonard's Mill Pond Rd., Salisbury MD 21801. 2. The bridge is 55' long x 6' wide weighing 5600 lbs. 3. This project also includes the removal of the existing bridge as well as the removal of a second bridge located at the same address. 4. Pictures of the existing wooden bridges to be removed are included. 5. This bridge is designed for pedestrian traffic that crosses the creek from Leonard's Mill Park to the Wicomico County Welcome Center. 6. Any permits will be acquired by Wicomico County. 7. The bridge specifications and installation instructions from the manufacture are included in this bid document. 8. All work must be completed no later than July 1, 2024. 1. Removal of Bridges a. The removal of both existing wooden bridges. All material to be removed from property does not need to be saved. b. The pilings under each bridge are to be removed. c. All work will need to be done from the Leonard's Mill Park side of the creek as no vehicle will be able to access the area from other side. d. Damage done to the side of the creek needs to be leveled and seeded with K 31 Tall Fescue. 2. Installation of New Bridge a. There will need to be an abutment installed according to the specifications. The abutment will need to be designed and built accommodate the pedestrian bridge. The contractor is to supply specifications for the abutment they will be installing. b. Engineer drawings provided. c. Follow all manufactures instructions and specifications on the installation of the bridge. These are included in the bid documents. d. The bridge is currently at 28302 Owens Branch and needs to be transported to the site at Leonards Mill Park by the contractor. e. Access for vehicles, trucks and cranes needed to install the bridge will be from Leonard's Mill Park side of the creek. f. The area adjacent to the project area is available for staging of any material g. Any area damaged during the installation of the bridge will need to be leveled and seeded with K31 Tall Fescue All copies of the Bid Documents and any other documents required to be submitted with the Bid Documents will be enclosed in a sealed envelope. The envelope will be addressed to the Wicomico County Purchasing Department and will be identified with the project name: LEONARD'S MILL POND BRIDGE REPLACEMENT and the Vendor's name and address. If the Bid Documents are sent by mail, the sealed envelope will be enclosed in a separate mailing envelope with the notation "SEALED BID DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED" on the face thereof. Bids must be mailed or hand carried to Wicomico County Purchasing Department, 125 N. Division Street, Government Office Building, Room B-3, Salisbury, MD 21801


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

New Construction, Paving, Site Work





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February 20, 2024

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2848 Leonards Mill Pond Dr, Salisbury, MD

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