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Published February 25, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Waterville, Maine. Working plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

**As of February 25, 2022, the project was not awarded. The bids received was over the budget.** City of Waterville Department of Parks & Recreation Request for Bids Construction of Two (2) New Tennis Courts Refurbishment of Four (4) Existing Tennis Courts Refurbishment of Two (2) Existing Basketball Courts Construction of One (1) New Half Basketball Court The City of Waterville reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. Construction of Two (2) New Tennis Courts Adjacent to Four (4) Existing Tennis Courts 1. Preparation of the area to include removal of grass, loam and unsuitable materials. Construct gravel base leaving five (5') feet grass area between old and new tennis courts. 2. Subgrade to be graded from street side (north) to walking path (south) beside the river on a twelve (12") inch pitch to be the same as the final surface. 3. Furnish and install four (4") inch ADS drain with a sleeve or sock at edge of the subgrade adjacent to the existing 4 tennis courts and the outflow by walk way (south). 4. Furnish and install soil separation fabric such as Mirifi 500X. 5. Gravel base consisting of four (4") inch minus gravel to be installed and compacted in six (6") inch lifts in sufficient depth to establish finish court surface elevation to be consistent with existing 4 tennis courts. Slopes from gravel pad 110X122 feet shall be tapered 3:1 to surrounding areas. 6. Place and shape crushed gravel base material to true and even lines so as to assure a uniform thickness of six (6") inches. The surface of this course shall be fine graded using laser-guided equipment. All grading and leveling work required shall be performed so that the finished court surfaces slopes one (1") inch in each ten (10') feet on a true plane from end to end. 7. Place bituminous pavement, laid in two courses, approximately 108' x 120'. First course is leveling/binder course to be one half (1 1/2 ") inches of 12.5mm mix. Second course wearing to be one (1") inch of 9.5 mix. 8. Fencing, net post, tie down anchor, surfacing system and playing lines to be the same as above 4 tennis courts.

Final Planning

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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132 North St, Waterville, ME

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